Dr who queeen

Origins of the U.S. Government Timeline

By Marshin
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary war

  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
  • Period: to

    Second Continental Congress

  • Contiental Congress Claims Independence

    Contiental Congress Claims Independence
  • Continental congress adopts Decleration Of Independence

    Continental congress adopts Decleration Of Independence
  • Articals of Confederation

    Articals of Confederation
  • Period: to

    Articals of Confederation

  • Critical Period

    Critical Period
  • Period: to

    Critical Period

  • Constitiutional Convention

    Constitiutional Convention
  • 9th State Ratifies The Constitution

    9th State Ratifies The Constitution
  • 13Th State Ratifies the constitiution

    13Th State Ratifies the constitiution
  • Bill Of Rights is Ratified

    Bill Of Rights is Ratified