Origins of the American Tradition, New England Renaissance, Slavery and the Civil War (1600-1865)
By SamuelBabler
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Origins of the American Tradition
Jamestown Colony founded
In 1607 John Smith establishes the Jamestown colony in modern-day Virginia. -
Slavery first begins
Slavery in the American colonies first starts with the twenty Africans that were brought over as indentured servants. -
The Revolutionary War in America starts
After years of tyranny by the British, the Revolutionary War in America starts. -
American Independence is Declared from Britain
The Declaration of Independence is passed during the Second Continental Congress. -
George Washington becomes the first President of the United States
After the constitution is adopted, Washington becomes the first President of the United States. -
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New England Renaissance
The War of 1812 starts
War breaks out between Britain and the United States because of Britain´s refusal to stop raiding U.S. ships. -
Turner's Slave Rebellion
Nat Turner leads a slave revolt in Southampton, Virginia; this leaves approximately 60 people dead. -
Slavery is outlawed in Great Britain
Due to decreased need for it, and the religious backlash, slavery is abolished in Great Britain. -
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Slavery and the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln becomes President
Abraham Lincoln is elected president of the United States in the election of 1860. -
The American Civil War starts
After the Confederate troops attack Fort Sumter, the Civil War in America officially begins. -
Slaver is abolished in America
After Congress passes the 13th amendment, slavery is officially prohibited in America.