She was born in Kentucky. -
Moved to Burlingtion, Iowa.
She was four years old when they moved to Burlington, and it was the first time she saw some Indians. -
prairie schooners
She saw a lot of prairie schooners going westward with mottoes like these on the canvas top: "California or burst" and "For oregon" -
Moving back to Kentucky
In the early 50s they moved back to Kentucky. -
When she was 12 years old, Henry and her mother Danil started across the plains for Oregon. Daniel got a job drivning a praire schinner for Enoch Walker. While Henry who was 20 drove a wagon for Enoch´s brother, Fruit Walker. -
Before the Civil war
Before the civil war het moved back to Iowa. -
She was 20 years
When she was 20 years Fort Sumter was fired on, and like most young women, she was anxious to do all she could for the young men who were fighting for ther convictions. -
44 years ago Henry and She came Southern Oregon. -
When i was 49 years old, she married Michael Mickelson.