The Birth of Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey was born January 29th, 1954, to her farther Vernon WInfrey and her mother Vernita Lee. She was born in Kosciusko Mississippi, to a mom at a young age then of 18. Her real name was expose to be Orpha after a Biblical figure but it got misspelled. -
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The Life of Oprah WInfrey
Growing up with Grandma
Oprah Winfrey lived with her Grandpartents until age 6, she lived in Mississippi on farm. Her real mom was in Milwauke and her farther was in the Army thats why she had to live with grandma. While on the farm she had no eletricity, only wore shoes on Sundays, and in her free time she preformed plays for her farm animals. -
Growing up poor and Moving a lot
While Oprah was on the farm with her grandma, the family had little money and had to work hard on a farm in order to earn it. At age six Oprah moved to Milwauke to get away from segegaration and to live with her mother. She moved a lot, from Mississippi to Wisconson. -
Since segregation was not an one day event there is no specific date of the problem .Oprah lived with her grandma until she at age six, and since her family lived in Mississippi she was right in the middle of the Civil Rights movement. She attended an all-black school which did not have as great as a learning as an all-white school. Her grandma had a little paying job and worked in the field since she was not white and could work in a business. -
Even though Oprah moved a lot she was still able to do well in school. Since she was so smart she got to move up a grade level. Believe it or not Oprah hated math but she loved reading, matter of fact she could read by age three. Although the specific date of when her first day of school is, it is about in 1962 -
Living with Mom
After living with her Dad for a while Oprah went back to live with her Mom. That was the worst thing she could have done, while in Milwaukee she became very bad she didn’t listen to her mom. She also became pregnant at age 14 and shortly after the baby was born it died. Oprah took the baby’s death as a new start. Oprah also got sexually abused by her step and half siblings. While with her mom she also became suicidal and tried to commit suicide several times. -
Oprahs first Job
Opraha grew up on a farm in Mississippi. She worked for her Grandmother at the age of six. Her first paying job was at a grocery store where she was a clerk. After that she eventually became a radio broadcaster in Nashville. -
Living with Dad
At age seven Oprah moved to her Dads house for the first time. She had recently been living with her Mother in Milwaukee but got sent back to live with her Dad because she got pregnant, sexually abused, and was suicidal. Unlike her Mom Oprah’s Dad was very strict and made sure she followed the rules. -
Brodcasting Jobs
Although the exact date that Oprah got her first job as a broadcaster, it was some time during High school. Oprah had had a first job at a grocery store but during high school she managed to become a broadcaster for a local TV show called WVOL. Since she was gaining attraction she was asked to co-anchor a Baltimore radio station. -
Collage and Beauty Contest
On December 4th 1972 is when Oprah won the Miss Black Tennessee Pageant. In order to pay for collage she participated in beauty pageants. Oprah attended collage at Tennessee State University for speech and drama. Oprah finally graduated collage in 1976. -
The Oprah WInfrey Show
After moving from Baltimore to Chicago to co-host "AM Chicago" she became a huge hit. Since the show was such a hit the renamed the show "The Oprah Winfrey Show". The new TV show was holding its own against major TV shows. On average Oprah was able to get 26 million views each week. -
Since Oprahs show is so inspiring she has won a total of 45 Emmys! Oprah has also been named one of the most important people on Television. Not only does she do TV shows she also is in several movies. Her achievements come from hard work, dedication, and very generous heart. -
What Oprah talked about
Oprahs show has been going on for a while now so there is no specific date. On her show Winfrey talked about a variety of stuff from national events to kids that have been abused sexually and mentally. Oprah have a first hand experience with abuse she likes to specially in it. Her show has helped millions of people with their lives. -
Oprah has given extremely generous donations to many people and places. She has given away many scholarships to people in need and has also used her own money to build Habit for Humanity. Oprah has also built a school in Africa for girls in 7th and 8th grade girls so they can get an education. -
In 2008 Oprah decided to make a TV network named OWN which stands for Oprah WInfrey Network. On OWN they replay old interviews and some episodes. Even though Oprah has stopped making TV shows she still interviews people and puts it on her network.