Oprah Winfrey

  • Oprah's Birthday

    Oprah was born on January 29th 1954.
  • Oprah's grandmother

    Oprah was raised by her grandmother's pig farm as a llittle kid until she was 6years old she moved back to live with her mother.
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  • Oprah's Mother

    Oprah moved from Milwaukee to live with her mother in the ghetto of Mississippi
  • Oprah as a Teenager

    Oprah was raped by her cousin, her uncle and other male friends of the family. She ran away from home during this time she also gave birth too a baby who died soon after. Then she moved to Nashville with her Dad and step-mom.
  • Oprah's life in college

    Oprah had gotten a scholarship to Tennessee State University.She was also called "Miss Black Tennessee". She worked at WVOL news station while going to college.
  • Oprah graduating college

    Oprah graduated Tennessee Stat University with a degree in Speech and Performing Arts.