
Oprah Winfery

  • Vernen Winfrey and Virnita lee

    Vernen Winfrey and Virnita lee
    Vernen her father who used to be a coal minner but now a business man and Virnita who was a house maid. Her mother has always been rocky but her dad helped her be a successful person the she could be. Oprah states my father saved my life
  • Period: to

    Oprah life growing up

    She had a ruff childhood. She was abused and was treated poorly. She was born by a new teenage mother who beat her and a father who was not in her life in the beginin
  • Oprahs Early years

    Oprahs Early years
    Oprah life wasn't as glamores as her life is now. Her mother had to leave her to find work. And she was left with her grandmother. Her grandmother was very influence and taught her how to read at age 3
  • Teenage Years

    Teenage Years
    She was moving to a lot of different places. But in the worst place she lived in Milwaukee Missouri and lived with her step siblings cusins and uncles. It was hard for her there. She began to rebel and got into bad things.
  • Graduating high school

    Graduating high school
    She graduated from East Nashville high school with high honors. She was se for a good career, and life goals she had for herself. Her life was bad in the past but from here on out her life kept on getting even better.
  • Some hard times

    Some hard times
    Oprah was almost sent to a juvenile detention center but ran away from home. During this time when she ran away she became pregnant but the baby died because it was premature. After this she lived with her dad who pushed her to her abilities at that time.
  • College

    Oprah won a huge scholarship from the Tennessee state university with communication skills. Also during this time she had a job at a local radio station called WCOL local. This first job really started her career.
  • Adulthood

    She graduated from Tennessee state and went right into her career. In the year 1973 she became the first African American to be a tv news reporter with WTUF TV
  • Moving up

    Moving up
    Oprah became so good at her job she was moved up to her own talk show. This talk show was called people are talking. This was her big break that really pushed her to be a icon that she is.
  • Became a Actress 1985 - now

    Became a Actress 1985 - now
    She became a inspiration actress, chossing only movies that proved a point and what made a difference like 12 years a slave, Selma and many more.
  • The Oprah Winfrey show 1986-2011

    The Oprah Winfrey show 1986-2011
    This show made her the icon she is. She was a role model for many and a person many people looked up to. She talked about many things that maybe she wasn't compterable with about her past. She was a icon and always will be
  • Quotes

    " Every time you state what you want or belive , you're the first to hear it. Its a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don't ever put a ceiling on yourself."
  • Quotes

    " Turn your wounds into wisdom."
  • Quotes

    " The reason I've been able to be so financially successful is my focus has never, ever been for one minute been money