Operating Systems

  • Apple's first operating system

    apple introduces apple DOS 3.1

    apple introduces system 1
  • First Windows

    First Windows
    Microsoft released the first retail version of Windows to stores in 1985, marking the company's tenth year in business.

    Apple introduces system 2
  • Apple system 3 released

    Apple introduces system 3
  • Windows 2.0

    Windows 2.0, a 16-bit operating system, was designed to run on the Intel 286 processor, which was cutting-edge hardware technology at the time. The new processor allowed a desktop computer to have an expanded memory, so that people could run overlapping windows on the screen – something not possible in the first version of Windows. Windows 2.0 also ran the first (and rather primitive) version of Microsoft Word. Gallery created by CBCNews.ca.
  • First Linux OS released

    Version 1 of the GNU General Public License (GPL) is released.
  • Windows 3.0 released

    "Our vision is that there will be a personal computer on every desktop and it’ll be the key tool for the information age," said Bill Gates when Windows 3.0 was released.
  • Linux releases version 2

    Version 2 of the GNU General Public License (GPL) is released.
  • Linux Faq

    Robert Blum posts the first Linux FAQ