One-Pager Timeline Assignment

By 2176601
  • 1142

    The Haudenosaunee Confederacy

    A confederation made up of Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Serecas. These people helped with the land and trades from Europeans
  • Doctrine of Discovery

    This gave soveirgnity and land rights to First Nations people despite them not being christian. This created a bond between the Europeans and the First Peoples.
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    Seven Years War

    Britain wanted to expand their territory, so they attacked France. Although King George started the war he also wanted to conclude it. This war took place in North America.
  • The Battle of Plains Abraham

    A British invasion force led by James Wolfe defeated the French troops, which lead to the surrender of Quebec to the British
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    Pontiac made plans to capture the forts in the interior which the British had. Pontiac was a well respected trader on both sides of the trading industry. Pontiac died after a Peoria Indian stabbed him
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    Quebec Act

    This allowed French Catholics to obtain good jobs in the government, gave more power to the catholic church, the French treaty made all British people reside in Canadian territory
  • War of 1812

    The war of 1812 was a great defence of a smaller colony against attack by a much larger neighbour. 3 different attempts America tried invading Canada, the result in these were unsuccessful and ended in withdrawal.
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    Smallpox Blankets

    The American Fur company would bring over large amounts of blankets on Steamboats, these blankets would carry a variety of diseases. The most common one was smallpox, this disease spread rapidly and killed thousands.
  • The Oregon Dispute

    This was a conflict between 4 world powers who would claim "Oregon Country". The countries involved in this were United States, Great Britain, Spain, and Russia. On June 10, 1846; Lord Aberdeen gave it to the U.S.
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    Chilcotin War

    The settlers were extremely hungry for loot, this resulted in them giving small pox to the Tsilhqot'in. Over 70% of them were killed or infected. They threatened to kill their people, burned down their home, and the settlers withdrew in defeat. After that the colony hung "The Chilcotin Chiefs".
  • Confederation of Canada

    Canada became its own nation after the British and French Colonists in Ottawa created an early Canadian Constitution. Canada was founded as bi-cultural nation
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    Numbered Treaties

    The government and the Ojibway were involved. The treaties covered the exchange of rights and title, ways to deal with epidemics, and was a way to control land. They would misinterpret the treaties to appeal better to first peoples
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    The Potlach Ban

    The Potlach was a huge celebration involving food and gifts, these gifts could include titles or even names. European settlers banned the celebration, but people still performed it in secret
  • Northwest Resistance

    Metis people were harassed by the forming Canadian federal government, poor farm harvests, loss of buffalo, land ownership and regional control. The Metis fought the Northwest Mounted Police near the Fish Creek and Loon Lake
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    Experimentation in Residential Schools

    Priests and nuns would perform tests like malnutrition, lobotomies, diet supplements and diseases. Over 2800 children died and many others suffered from ptsd, and life changing health problems
  • White Paper

    Trudeau Senior tried to get rid of all aboriginal culture, white paper was to remove status, and dismantle the Indian act
  • James Bay Agreement

    During the construction of the hydrodam, a massive flood happened, over 11,500 sq km were destroyed. The James Bay agreement gives the inherent Cree rights of self-government, providing support for modern Cree Governance.
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    Treaty of Washignton

    The Government of Canada and the Government cooperated in matters regarding the Albacore tuna fishery, taking into account the deliberations of the 3rd United Nations Conference on the law of sea. This treaty allows Canadian vessels to fish for Albacore Tuna
  • Fishing Rights to BC Coastal Waters

    This involved the indigenous and the Canadian Government, the treaty signed saying that aboriginal people can fish on their protected lands. As well as if you are a status indian, you dont need a liscense or a permit to fish, but you must have a purpose to fish and it must be socially or a ceremonial purpose.
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    Oka Crisis

    The oka crisis was when a golf course wanted to build upon a ceremonial indigenous grave yard, but when the indigenous people went and peaceful protested a gun fight broke out and 1 RCMP officer was killed and the military had to step in and break it up.
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    Gustafsen Lake Standoff

    Non-aboriginal people took aboriginal territory without a treaty and this resulted in 2 aboriginal peoples driving and striking a RCMP detonated explosive. They ran away on foot, a 45 minute gun fight broke out between protestors and the RCMP and thousands of ammunition was used.