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One eye laughing, the other weeping- a novel by Barry Denenberg

By 204986
  • Julie's Birthday/New Year's Day

    Julie's Birthday/New Year's Day
    Julie is given her diary of which in the story is told in, for her birthday as well as a fountain pen, a bookof poems, and a silver locket.
  • Party planning/first diary entry

    Party planning/first diary entry
    Even though it's about six weeks until Mrs.Weiss's diner party, she is CONSTANTLY planning it! She needs to make sure EVERYTHING is perfect, for example that every man has his own ash tray for his cigarettes. This is also the first time Julie uses her journal to write an entry.
  • Julie's brother Max is acting strangley.....

    Julie's brother Max is acting strangley.....
    In late January, Julie's older brother Max starts acting strangley, and trying to up his 'coolness'. Julie suspects he has a secert girlfriend, and she continues to find evidence, some of which is Max trying to learn how to roll a cigarette, (to possibly 'impress' his girlfriend).
  • Shopping!

    Mrs.Weiss takes Julie out shopping, but Julie feels like her mother couldn't care less about her. Some reasons she states (In always the same order) are: How is school? How is Sophy? (Julie's best friend), and has she made any new friends?
  • English Lessons

    English Lessons
    Mr.Weiss comes into Julie's room late one night, and revels that she willbe taking English lessons with Mrs.Sachs instead of her usual piano lessons with Mrs. Konig. She is not allowed to tell her mother. Julie is very confused but goes with the flow.
  • The party, and insight on Hitler.

    The party, and insight on Hitler.
    Mrs.Weiss has her diner party and the topic of the night is Hitler. There are very different points of view. Julie's uncle Daniel beleives that Hitler won't bother their town of Vienna, Austria, - and it is reveled that Hitler has taken over Germany.
    The other point of view came from Max, who argued later when he was alone with Julie, that quote: "They are acting like ostritches sticking their heads in the sand hoping for Hitler to go away- but he's not going anywhere!!!!
  • First day

    First day
    It's Julie's first day of her English lessons at Mrs. Sach's apartment and she finds herself having fun, unlike at her old piano lessons. Here, she listens to records with her teacher, laughs, and just has a great time!
  • Hitler in Vienna!

    Hitler in Vienna!
    Hitler invades Vienna shortly after Mrs.Weiss's diner party with little warning and stars killing the Jewish residents.
  • Jew-lie

    The other students at school, and other neighbors are treating all of the Jewish citzens poorly, with signs in shops that say "We don't serve Jews!" and peers at school calling Julie, Jew-lie.
  • That Terrible Night

    That Terrible Night
    Mrs.Weiss, Max, & Mr.Weiss were taken outside late one night, and publicly hurt and humilated. Nobody ever knows for sure what happened to Mrs. Weiss, but when she came back her furs were gone and her long blue gown was dirty and tore.This same night is the same night Julie finds out her beloved Milli is a secert Nazi sympathizer.
  • No Jews Welcome!

    No Jews Welcome!
    Richard came back from Mrs.Weiss's tailor, and she had said to please find another tailor because she no longer serves Jews.
  • Problems at school

    Problems at school
    Somebody wrote GET OUT JEWS! on a blackboard on Sophy's teacher's blackboard at school, and he didn't even bother to earse it.
  • Stories

    Each day, the Weiss's hear worse and worse stories. Mr.Heller's store was broken into, and he and his wife were forced to wear signs that said DON'T BUY FROM US, WE'RE JEWS! But the worse story was when one kid wouldn't let his father leave (becasue they are Jewish) and the Nazi's pulled him by his hair and yanked him backwards, sending him stumbling into a bed post where he died that instant.
  • Camps

    Hitler is now sending Jewish citzens to his special camps.
  • Julie is treated differently.

    Julie is treated differently.
    Julie is treated differently than her parents and her brother Max, because she has blonde hair and green eyes and doesn't look Jewish.
  • Uncle Daniel

    Uncle Daniel
    Uncle Daniel is gone! Nobody knows where he is, and just that he disappeared in the middle of the night.
  • Even more problems at school

    Even more problems at school
    Mrs.Thompson gave a stern lecture today to Julie's sticking up for the Jews like Julie.
  • Gone

    The same teacher that gave the lecture yesterday, Mrs.Thompson, is now gone!!!
  • Mrs.Hirsch and her baby

    Mrs.Hirsch and her baby
    Mr. and Mrs. Weiss are distraught because of what happened with Mrs.Hirsch. She had just given birth to a happy baby boy, and then the next morning at dawn, she wrapped him in a blanket so he wouldn't get cold, held him tight in her arms, and jumped out of the hospital window- killing them both. She left a note behind saying she could not let her son live in a world gone bad.
  • No more school for the Jews

    No more school for the Jews
    Julie slept in late this morning, because with no school- she can sleep in and have less time to be afraid.
  • Mrs.Weiss

    Mrs.Weiss killed herself by various different pills and drugs. It's a sunny day- the kind mother liked best.
  • The letter

    The letter
    Mr.Weiss sat Max and Julie down and told them that he has wrote to Julie's aunt Carla who lives in America to see if they can get Visas to live in America.
  • Sold to the highest bidder!

    Sold to the highest bidder!
    Max took Mrs.Weiss's jewelry, fur coats, and his gold watch to the pawn shop for money.
  • Staffing issues

    Staffing issues
    All of the Weiss's old staff has left.
  • Sophy

    Sophy has left for England, making Julie feel uncertain and lonely.
  • Max

    Max has left, but on his own free will. They think he went to Palestine.
  • Aunt Clara

    Aunt Clara
    They have recived word from Aunt Clara! She is going to vouch for them! But then, Julie must deal with the fact that her father is not joining her....
  • America

    Julie is moving to New York, New York in America.
  • New house

    New house
    Julie puts on a dress she found in a room, but is told to please take it off.
  • Mike and Mike

    Mike and Mike
    Julie hangs out with the Black and White Mikes, and Mr.Esposito during the day.
  • Peter Pan

    Peter Pan
    Julie is stayinng up late at night to help Aunt Clara with her lines for the play.
  • Hitler yet again!

    Hitler yet again!
    There are stories in the newspaper about Hitler and Czechoslovakia. Julie wonders what will happen next....
  • The Truth

    The Truth
    Julie finds out the truth about Eva, (whose dress she wore that one day) and how she died giving birth to a pre-mature baby.
  • Oppurtunity Knocking

    Oppurtunity Knocking
    The girl playing Wendy in the play Aunt Clara is in has quit, and Aunt Clara conivinces Julie to try out.
  • The Audtion

    The Audtion
    It's the day of Julie's audtion for the play Peter Pan!
  • News

    Julie has gotten the part!!!!
  • The Show

    The Show
    It's one of the many nights that Julie performs Peter Pan.
  • A New Offer

    A New Offer
    Aunt Clara and Julie are offered an offer for a new play, and they accept it.