Baby 784608 1920 (1)

Ella Rose's Watch Me Grow

  • Birth

    Ella Rose has made her appearance in the world.
    Height: 18 inches
    Weight: 6 pounds 10 ounces
    Ella Rose loves to lay on a quilt with big brother Mason. She startles at loud sounds and mouths and graps.
  • 3 Months

    3 Months
    Sweet Ella Rose is on the hump of getting rid of Colic that started around two weeks after she was born.(Social-Emotional)We have been trying to comfort her while she is crying. She loves to listen to big brother read to her"Jack and Jill". She loves to be held. (Trust vs. Mistrust) Ella Rose loves to play with her rattle and make plenty of sounds. Ella is 11.8 pounds and 24.1 inches.She cries bad.
    Weights & Heights
  • 9 Months

    9 Months
    Ella Rose will turn one in two months time went by fast. Colic has been gone for a few months. Sweet Ella Rose has began to sit up by her self.(Piaget) She has an experience of being independent. Ella has said her first word today "Ma Ma" we were so excited.. She weighs 16.7 pounds and is 27.0 inches long She loves to listen to the book ''Textures". She loves to play with big brother and loves to sit up.
    Favorite Book
  • 1 Years Old

    1 Years Old
    Our sweet baby girl is one year old today. She loves to play with building blocks and putting them in her mouth. She loves the book ''Goodnight Moon" and loves to flip through all the pictures. She is starting to walk with someone's help.( Trust vs. Mistrust) She weighs 20 pounds. She loves to speak little words like "ma ma" ''da da''. She is on the Sensormotor level. (Piaget)
    Favorite Toys
  • 2 Years Old

    2 Years Old
    Ella Rose is now a toddler. She has stolen a package of bubbles from Dollar General (Kohlberg). She got in trouble and knows now knows that this was a no no. She weighs 24.5 pounds now and 30 inches tall. She has entered the terrible twos. We try to make her stop crying and put her in time out for two minutes. She has been walking on her own since June 6, 3031. (Physical). She is always saying "I do it myself"(Vygotsky)
  • Ella Rose's First Day of School

    Ella Rose's First Day of School
    Today our sweet girl starts school at Union Elementry School. She is excited to meet new friends and learn new things. She is learning from her symbolic thoughts.(Piaget) When she grows up she wants to be a stay home mom. She is worried about being builled by peers because of her weight. She weighs 60.6 pounds. She loves to spend time with big brother and her preschool buddies. She is very shy and temid like her mom when meeting new people. She loves the book "Where the Wild Things Are."
  • 10 Years Old

    10 Years Old
    Ella Rose is offically a tween. She spends most of her time with friends from basketball as well as school. (Social-Cultural) She is one social butterfly. Her favorite toy is a basketball. Her favorite book is "Bad Kitty". She weighs 70.5 pounds and is 56.5 inches tall. She has been able to think concertly and is on Piaget's 3rd stage. She is still shy and this is normal because she is worried about others thought of her. (Kohlberg)
  • Year 16

    Year 16
    Ella is 16 she is offically a teenager. She weighs 97 pounds and is 5'3. She loves to spend time with her basketball friends and her school friends.She has experienced a heart break like losing friends from some of her fellow classmates.(Erikson) Her physical milestone is going through many growth spurts. She wants to be independent. (Vygotsky) She is only worried about what is going to happen to her and others. (Kohlberg)
  • Graduation Day for Ella Rose

    Graduation Day for Ella Rose
    Ella is finally about to graduate from Union High School. She spends most of her time with her boyfriend and her basketball friends. She has been on Kohlberg's Post-Conventional since age 17. Our girl is ready to garduate and attend Mississippi State Universty to get her degree in Marketing. She is 120 pounds and 5'5. She is not liking school as much as previous years because many people bullying her.(Kohlberg) She is so excited to move away from home and start her journey.