One Crazy Summer

By mr91237
  • Segregation

    Segregation occured between the whites and the blacks.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks got arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Little Rock Nine goes to a white school.
  • Martin Luther King Junior's Dream

    Martin Luther King Junior's Dream
    Martin said his "I Have a Dream" speech.
  • Period: to

    One Crazy Summer

  • Plane Ride

    Plane Ride
    Delphine, Vonetta, and Fern fly to Oakland, California to meet their mother who had abandoned them when they were young.
  • Black Panther Visit

    Black Panther Visit
    Two of the black panthers visit Cecile asking her to write poems to put out awareness for equal righs for blacks. That's gets her involved with the panthers and later gets into quite some trouble.
  • Children's Center for Breakfast and Camp

    Children's Center for Breakfast and Camp
    The three girls, Delphine, Vonetta, and Fern, were sent to the childrens center by Cecile because she didn't want to feed them and she told them to go to the summer camp there after breakfast because she didn' want to have them bothering her while she wrote her poetry.
  • Let in the Kitchen

    Let in the Kitchen
    Cecile finally lets Delphine into her kitchen. The kitchen was Cecile's work space and wouldn't let anybody in it so it was suprising for Delphine when she was allowed in.
  • Cecile Goes to Jail

    Cecile Goes to Jail
    The girls come back from their "adventure" and see Cecile and another black oanther being arrested and sent to jail.
  • On an Adventure

    On an Adventure
    The girls decided to go on an adventure. They went to the beach, shopping, and then rode a cable car.
  • Living with the Woods

    Living with the Woods
    Since Cecile is in jail the girls have to live with the woods, a family to one of Delphine's good friends.
  • Rally

    A rally was help to get the town parks renamed after a black man who had been shot to honor him.
  • Cecile is Free

    Cecile is Free
    Cecile gets out of jail after about two weeks.
  • Back Home

    Back Home
    The girls go back home to Brooklyn to live with Big Ma and Pa.
  • Integration Ends

    Integration Ends
    Integration began to end at this time and blacks and whites were to get along.