Aristotle onassis 1967cr


  • Onassis birth

    Onassis was born in Izmir on January 15,1906
  • Onassis childhood

    Onassis childhood
    Onassis had one sister and two half-sisters. His father had successful shipping entrepreneur and was able to send his children to prestigious schools.
  • Onassis studies

    When Onassis graduated from the local Evangelical Greek School at the age of 16, he spoke four languages: Greek , Turkish, Spanish, and English.
  • Onassis personal life

    Onassis married Athina Mary Livanos and they had two kids borned at new work Alexander, and a daughter Christina
  • Onassis accomplishments

    Onassis accomplishments
    -Onassis was the owner of Olympic Airways
  • Onassis death

    Onassis died at age 69 on 15 March 1975 at the American Hospital of Paris.He died from myasthenia gravis.