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On second thought

  • The habsburgs to the bourbons

    The habsburgs to the bourbons
    The habsburgs were the nobel family that ruled in spain, until we got to Charles ll, how couldn't have kid and was severely problems, that's why we gain the tittle of the bewitched. With letting no sons to again the throne, a new family called bourbons came to ruled spain
  • The industrial revolution

    The industrial revolution
    A new revolucionary invention appeard, the the steam engine. This machine was ussed frist to create railroads, and also creating thousands of jobs for railroads and miners. people at this time had bad living conditions because they didn't have plans, sanitary codes, and no building codes controlled the growth of cities. Also, the workers were expose to a lot of dangers that could end their lives
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    When people moved to the new land, they spected to be free of the frear, but after Britian got into many wars and lost them he decided to ask for taxes for everyone in britian and in the new land, a thing that didn't made the people living in america verry happy, because they weren't in britian, this was one of the main things that started the revolution
  • The french revolution

    The french revolution
    The french revolution was the result of many problems: the influence of the Enlightenment, economic, social and political crisis.
    All of this made the people of french angry throwards their kings, making people thirsty for a democracy
  • The rose up of 2 of may

    The rose up of 2 of may
    When Napoleon invided spain, people in madrid started to realize unless they acted, the frechs were about to take the control, so, they decided to rose up on the second of may, throwing rocks and diverse things to the french army. Even if they didn't won and they got executed, this made a lot of european country to be inspired and fight back Napoleon
  • The constitution of 1812

    The constitution of 1812
    Cadiz was the only place of all spain that wans't under french control. People there decided to writte the firts constitution of spain using liberal ideas spread by the French Revolution. With this, it created a Constitutional Monarchy with Fernando VII as king but limited the King’s power, making everyone in spain free of spreach and with the power to decide how rules spain through elections
  • Fernando VII

    Fernando VII
    Fernando VII, or the desire one, was the king of spain on 1808 after the people of spain decided his father, Carlos IV, was incapable of ruled spain. People started to say that Fernando was going to be a better king that his father, but they were worng, because when Fernando has in the crown, he took away the cotitution of cadiz, the
  • The congress of Vienna

    The congress of Vienna
    After Napoleon's deffet, the victorious countries met at the Congress of Vienna. They now wanted to restook absolutims with other name legitimism. They also create a aliance called: the Holly Aliances, that protectec this countrys form any revolution
  • Nationalims

    Before the 19th century, the word nation was used to descrive a group of inhabist who shared a common language, ethnicity, customs or mentality, but after the 19th people started to referd to the creation of new nations,. This moment was caused because: europe reparted the countrys without taking the inhabitants’ views into account, the fell of belong to something and economic and industrial things.
  • The repart of africa

    The repart of africa
    Germany organize the Berlin conferences, this conferences invited several european countrys so they could distrivuate Africa bettewn each country, so everyone could fill their interets, but they did that without the consent of Africa