Major events in the history of the Internet and computers By johnnyledford Period: Oct 29, 1969 to Aug 6, 1991 When Government and Universities email and Internet access [Access to email and internet](<a href='' Apr 1, 1976 Steve Wazniak invented the Apple I computer PC Aug 12, 1981 IBM introduced the PC First PCIBM Aug 6, 1991 World Wide Web became viable for the general public WebWorld Wide Web Jan 1, 1996 Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. Google FoundersGoogle Apr 19, 1996 Yahoo! Directory goes online. directory Sep 4, 1998 Google goes online Google get started online Feb 14, 2005 When YouTube was founded FoundersYou Tube Founders Mar 21, 2006 The first tweet was written by co-founder Jack Dorsey 6 on Twitter First TweetTweet Nov 15, 2007 Amazon releases the first Kindle which is Kindle First Generation Kindle Oct 1, 2010 nstagram began and was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger Instagram I