Oliver Hazard Perry born
Oliver Hazard Perry was born on August 23, 1785 in Rhode Island. He was the eldest of eight siblings. -
Perry Joins the Navy
Perry Joined the U.S. Navy as a midshipman on the U.S.S. General Greene. He was 13 years old. He would stay in the Navy for his entire life. -
Perry Marries
In 1811, Perry marries Elizabeth Champlin Mason. Together, they had five children, four of which survive. Perry was 26. -
The Battle of Lake Erie
The battle Perry is most famous for, the Battle of Lake Erie was when he said, "We have met the enemy and they are ours". After this he was treated as a hero and got into a bitter controversy with Jesse Elliott. -
Perry Becomes a Captain
The same day as the Battle of Lake Erie, Perry became a Captain. While he had wanted a higher rank for a while, he was assured it was temporary. -
The War of 1812 Ends
The War of 1812, which Perry was most famous for, comes to an end. Perry had been on Lake Erie and captured an entire British Squadron, and won many other victories in the Navy. -
The Barbary Wars End
The Barbary wars, in which Perry had fought in the first one, come to an end. The First Barbary War lasted from 1801-1805, and the Second Barbary War took place in 1815. -
Oliver Hazard Perry Dies
On August 23, 1819, Oliver Hazard Perry dies at sea from yellow fever. He was 34 years old, and died on his 34th birthday, on the ship U.S.S. Nonsuch.