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Olena's life

  • The War

    The War
    Olena became an orphan when her parents died in Mariupol 2 weeks prior. The orphanage had so many children the caregivers were overwhelmed and could not provide adequate care. This is the day Olena stopped crying knowing that no one was coming to comfort her. Erickson's first stage, Trust vs. Mistrust. The crisis between trust that a caregiver will provide for her and mistrusting the entire world because no one answers her only form of communication.
  • Adopted

    Olena gets adopted by a family in the United States who work hard at encouraging her to try things on her own and praise when she learns to be completely potty trained. This is the day Olena used the toilet by herself without any prompting for the first time and caused her to feel immense confidence. Erikson's 2nd stage, autonomy vs. shame and doubt. The crisis between feeling confident to do things, like use the toilet, on her own vs. fear of shame and doubt that she is capable.
  • Non-profit

    Olena creates a non-profit organization to help all those effected by the war on Ukraine. She realized she was lucky to grow up in a country not torn by war and could not sit while others were still effected by a war long since passed. She had to create a non-profit to feel as if she is adding to the world. Erikson's 7th stage, generativity vs. stagnation. Crisis of creating something of value or living without purpose