4000 BCE
Period: 4000 BCE to 2100 BCE
Prehistory Epoch
Genesis 1-11 -
3960 BCE
Adam & Eve?
Genesis 2 -
2894 BCE
Birth of Noah?
Gen 5 -
2304 BCE
Genesis 6 -
2197 BCE
Tower of Babel?
Genesis 11 -
2000 BCE
Period: 2000 BCE to 1550 BCE
Patriarch Epoch
Genesis 12-50, Middle Bronze -
1951 BCE
God Sends Abraham?
Genesis 12 -
1851 BCE
Birth of Isaac?
Genesis 25:26 -
1791 BCE
Birth of Jacob?
Genesis 25 -
1700 BCE
Birth of Joseph?
Genesis 30 -
1526 BCE
Birth of Moses?
Exodus 2 -
1446 BCE
Exodus from Egypt?
Exodus 16:35 -
1446 BCE
Moses Receives the Law?
Exodus 21-24 -
1446 BCE
10 Commandments
Exodus 20 -
Period: 1446 BCE to 1200 BCE
Exodus/Conquest Epoch?
Late Bronze Age -
Period: 1446 BCE to 1445 BCE
Tabernacle Prepared & Built
Period: 1445 BCE to 1405 BCE
Date Written -
Period: 1445 BCE to 1405 BCE
Date Written -
Period: 1445 BCE to 1405 BCE
Date Written -
Period: 1445 BCE to 1405 BCE
Date Written -
Period: 1445 BCE to 1405 BCE
Date Written -
1406 BCE
Crossing of Jordan River?
Joshua 14:7 -
1406 BCE
God Commissions Joshua
Joshua 1 -
Period: 1405 BCE to 1385 BCE
Date Written -
Period: 1200 BCE to 1000 BCE
Period of the Judges
Judges-Ruth -
1169 BCE
Gideon & the Midianites
Judges 6-8 -
1140 BCE
Naomi, Ruth, & Boaz
Ruth 1-4 -
1100 BCE
Saul Begins Reign?
1060 BCE
David Begins Reign?
Period: 1043 BCE to 1043 BCE
Date Written -
Period: 1030 BCE to 1010 BCE
Date Written -
1020 BCE
Solomon Begins Reign?
1016 BCE
Solomon Starts Building Temple?
1 Kings 11:42 -
1000 BCE
Ark To Jerusalem
1000 BCE
Davidic Covenant?
1000 BCE
Period: 1000 BCE to 586 BCE
Monarchy Epoch
1 Samuel-Esther -
970 BCE
Song of Songs
970 BCE
950 BCE
931 BCE
Kingdom Divided
Period: 931 BCE to 722 BCE
1& 2 Samuel?
Written -
930 BCE
Division of Israel
858 BCE
Elisha Called
850 BCE
Elijah To Heaven
Period: 780 BCE to 705 BCE
Assyrian Threat
Period: 745 BCE to 685 BCE
Book of Isaiah
721 BCE
Minor Prophets Before 721 B.C.
During the time of Assyrian threat.
Amos -
Period: 712 BCE to 586 BCE
Minor Prophets from 721 - 586 B.C.
Zephaniah -
Period: 700 BCE to 530 BCE
Babylonian Threat
627 BCE
Call of Jeremiah
Period: 627 BCE to 580 BCE
612 BCE
Nineveh Destroyed
588 BCE
New Covenant
587 BCE
Book of Job?
Time of Writing -
586 BCE
Written during the time of Babylonian Captivity -
586 BCE
Written around the time of Babylonian exile -
586 BCE
Minor Prophets After 586 B.C.
Malachi -
Period: 586 BCE to 430 BCE
Exile/Return Epoch
Esther-Malachi -
Period: 586 BCE to 538 BCE
Babylonian Captivity
Period: 561 BCE to 538 BCE
1&2 Kings?
Written -
538 BCE
1st Return
538 BCE
Return to Jerusalem
Period: 536 BCE to 444 BCE
Jerusalem Rebuilt
535 BCE
Temple Work Begins
515 BCE
Completion & Dedication of Temple
464 BCE
Book of Esther?
458 BCE
2nd Return
Period: 457 BCE to 400 BCE
Ezra/Nehemiah ?
Period: 450 BCE to 430 BCE
1&2 Chronicles
Date Written -
Period: 450 BCE to 331 BCE
Date Written -
445 BCE
3rd Return
444 BCE
Nehemiah Starts to Build Walls
444 BCE
Ezra Reads Law
Period: 440 BCE to 40 BCE
400 Years of Silence
400 BCE
Book of Chronicles?