Period: 3954 BCE to 3024 BCE
Adam and Eve
The first member of the human family, created by God from the dust of the earth (Gen 2:7). They were also created with the power of choice, and thus had the freedom to disobey God.They were tested by means of "the tree of the knowledge of good or evil." -
3200 BCE
Brother and murderer of Abel.
When God rejected his offering and accepted that of his fields. When God rejected his offering and accepted that of his brother, Cain became jealous and murdered his brother (Gen 4:1-16) -
1989 BCE
Noah is a link between the old and new world and second great progenitor of the old and new world and the second great progenitor of the human race. He was builder and preacher. -
1950 BCE
Abraham was born in 1950 b.c. He was born in Ur in southern Mesopotamia during the Neo-Summerian period. -
1510 BCE
Egypt to Canaan
Moses. The deliverer of the Hebrew people from Egyptian bondage, their leader through the wilderness wandering. Moses spent the first 40 years of his life. As spokesman for God, Moses led the people into the covenant relationship which constituted a theocracy (Ex 19:5-8).