Old Regime

  • 1525


    The potato cultivation is introduced in Europe from America.
  • 1545


    Publication of the work of Copernicus "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Orbs".
  • 1563


    Closure of the Council of Trent.
  • 1571


    The Holy League defeats the Turks at Lepanto.
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    End of the wars of religion in France.
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    The Thirty Years' War starts.
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    Galileo Galilei is condemned by the Inquisition for heresy | https://youtu.be/9qJut0CBs5w
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    Louis XIV starts his reign.
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    The Peace of Westphalia is declared with the end of the Thirty Years' War.
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    Newton exposes the law of gravity | https://youtu.be/9yH_LiONXEo
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    John Locke publishes the two Treatises on Civil Government | https://youtu.be/bZiWZJgJT7I
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    Foundation of the England Bank.
  • Period: to


    War of succession to the Spanish crown | https://youtu.be/e4v9OjfMYlM
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    Louis XIV dies, so Louis XV succeeds him on the throne.
  • Period: to


    War of Polish Succession. The kingdom of Naples is ceded to the Spanish prince Carlos | https://youtu.be/MWu3OzHuAf4
  • Period: to


    War of the Austrian Succession | https://youtu.be/jIseh1RR2R8
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    Publication of "The Spirit of the Laws" by Montesquieu | https://youtu.be/-TcP_pzWUlU
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    The first volume of the Encyclopedia appears.
  • Period: to


    The 7 years war | https://youtu.be/wJvuyFDFujU
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    Rousseau's "The Social Contract" is published | https://youtu.be/81KfDXTTtXE
  • Period: to


    War of Independence of the United States of America | https://youtu.be/nMA5ykesU0I
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    The French revolution starts | https://youtu.be/xMKv5-8MVpE