
OJ Simpson

  • OJ's birth

    OJ's birth
    Orenthal James Simpson was born in San Francisco in 1947.
  • OJ's first marriage

    OJ's first marriage
    Simpson got married with Marguerite Whitley and they had three children: Arnelle L. Simpson (b. 1968), Jason L. Simpson (b. 1970), and Aaren Lashone Simpson (b.1977)
  • OJ becomes famous

    OJ becomes famous
    "The Juice", as he was nicknamed, became famous winning the Heisman Trophy in 1968. This trophy is awarded to the best young rugby player.
  • Simpson's problems with family

    Simpson's problems with family
    Orenthal James Simpson got divorced with Marguerite and five months later Aaron, the youngest child, drowned in the family's swimming pool.
  • Simpson becomes one of the most loved people in USA

    Simpson becomes one of the most loved people in USA
    OJ starts appearing in movies, in advertisements and the crowd admires him in everything he does.
  • Simpson is inducted in Pro Football Hall of Fame

    Simpson is inducted in Pro Football Hall of Fame
    OJ played rugby until 1979 and in 1985 was inducted in Pro Football Hall of Fame, since he was one of the best players in rugby history.
  • OJ Simpson with Nicole Brown

    OJ Simpson with Nicole Brown
    OJ met Nicole Brown in 1977, while she was working as a waitress at the nightclub "The Daisy". Although still married to his first wife, Simpson began dating Brown.In February 2, they got married and they had two children.
  • Nicole gets divorced with Simpson

    Nicole gets divorced with Simpson
    Brown filed for divorce on February 25, 1992, citing irreconcilable differences. In 1993, after the divorce, Brown and Simpson made an attempt at reconciliation, but according to Sheila Weller "they were a dramatic, fractious, mutually obsessed couple before they married, after they married, after they divorced in 1992, and after they reconciled."
  • The crime

    The crime
    The time was 00:10. Nicole Brown is dead with her boyfriend Ronald Goldman in Brentwood, Los Angeles. OJ was the first suspect for the murder.
  • OJ becomes wanted

    OJ becomes wanted
    OJ was demanded to go to the police office and the lawyers said that he would go until 11 am. Although, Simpson didn't appear in the office and the police announced that "The Juice" is wanted.
  • Simpson tries to escape

    Simpson tries to escape
    When the time was 6:20 pm, a citizen called the police to say that Orenthal James Simpson was trying to escape in a Ford Bronco car. Finally, police managed to arrest him.
  • The OJ's lawyers

    The OJ's lawyers
    OJ hired many famous lawyers. The leader of the lawyers' team was Jonnie Cochran.
  • The trial

    The trial
    The prosecution had many clues that proved OJ's guilt. One of them was the left glove that was found in Nicole's house. Simpson was hurt in his left hand and the prosecution thought that he had lost the glove in the fight. The most crucial moment in the trial was when OJ tried to wear the glove, but it did not match him.
  • Orenthal James Simpson's innocence

    Orenthal James Simpson's innocence
    After 133 days of trial, the prosecution makes the decision, which was that Simpson is innocent. OJ smiles for the first time in the trial, Cochran celebrates and the families of the two victims start crying.
  • New trial

    New trial
    In 1996, he was found guilty in a new trial and he was obliged to pay 33,5 million dollars
  • If I Did It

    If I Did It
    A book named "If I Did It" was published in 2007. In this book OJ was narrating the murders hypothetically. In the 6th chapter of the book Simpson describes some details that he couldn't know if he hadn't done it.
  • Simpson in jail

    Simpson in jail
    In 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, and charged with the felonies of armed robbery and kidnapping. In 2008, he was convicted and sentenced to 33 years imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole.