Dec 17, 1500
The first occupants
They had no official members of power. But in the Iroquois society was run by the women so the eldest woman would be making the decisions.While in the Algonkians society women were not playing the vital leadership role it was the men. -
Period: to
French Regime
The french were allies with the hurons and traded with them and fought against the iroquois for the control of land. the french fought untill 1703 While the English were allies with the iroquois and fought the french and hurons for the control over the fur trade and almost wiped out the hurons. Due to the loss of the hurons the coureurs des bois were formed. -
New France
The King and the Minister of Marine would remain in France as the Sovereign Council ran New France directly. Governor-highest rank, commander of army, defense, dealt with external affairs, Intendant-most influential, chief administrator, controlled budget, collecting taxes, justice, seigniorial system, built roads, set up industries, and Bishop-appointed by the Pope, administered over Parish Priests, hospitals, schools, charities. -
Royal Government
Due to the principal of the Divine Right of kings the Clergy was everywhere. Priests were in charge of parishes and were working as missionaries while the Nuns working in hospitals. The king ended the monopoly, the companies who held a monopoly were almost destroying New France, and placed New France under the Minister of Marine who at the time was Jean-Baptiste Colbert. He and Louis decided to implement Royal Government in 1663. -
Power relations between the colony and the mother country
Power relations between the colony and the mother country was an absolute monarchy. The king had total power. -
The great peace of montreal
The great peace of montreal was a treaty between new france and 40 nations of north America. It was singed by louis-Hector de Callière. -
New France and France
New France became more distant from France because France was far away and the king lost control so that is why we stared to see the Canadians. -
The French Militia could return home, no one would lose their property .The French Regular military would lay down their arms and leave. The people could practice the christian religion, but the Bishop would have to leave. The people who stayed would become British Subjects.these were all the demandes document stated.Their was no mass deportation only the Elite left because they could afford to do so. -
Treaty of Paris
The war of 7 year ends and all the Territory known as New France is given to the King of England except two small Islands, (St.Pierre, Miquelon) -
A constitution was put in place to control these French subjects and try and change them to be more British. This gives the King’s new colony a name, The Province of Quebec, Put in place a civilian Government to run the new Colony( The King appointed a Governor who then appointed members of an Executive Council to advise him.), English Criminal and Civil laws were applied, unused land would be divided by the Township System ,no new Bishop would be allowed, and no Roman Catholics could office. -
James Murray
He was the governor and was recalled in 1766 because the British merchants were fed up of his policies Guy Carleton quickly adopts the same attitude. -
The Quebec Act
The Quebec act Guarantees French Canadian loyalty, Enlarges the area of Quebec, Denied an elected assembly, and French civil laws were instated. This made the Americans very upset. -
The Constitutional Act
The Province of Quebec was split in two pieces called Upper Canada (because it was up river) and Lower Canada (it was down river). Lower Canada-was almost entirely French, while Upper Canada-was entirely English. In Lower Canada the French kept their religion, civil laws, and people could work in the admin, while in Upper Canada the Protestants, would use the township system, and English Civil laws. -
The constitutional act 2
the township system, and English Civil laws. The legislative assembly wanted to tax goods, not property. -
The rebellions of 1837-38.
The assembly wanted the councils to be elected. The leader of the Patriotes was Louis Joseph Papineau, and in 1834 he wrote 92 Resolutions. Lord John Russell responded with the 10 Resolutions .This response was taken as an insult and rebellions broke out in both Upper and Lower Canada. Upper Canada’s Rebellion was lead by William Lyon Mackenzie and quickly put down, while Lower Canada’s Rebellion was lead by Louis Joseph Papineau and after several battles the rebellion was put down. -
The bishops
The bishops became more and more powerful. The Church was still in charge of registering births, marriages, deaths. They were controlling education (Laval University 1852), orphanages, shelters, charities, and religious festivals. -
Act of Union
Act of Union Creates the Canada consisting of Canada East and West (former upper and lower Canada).Canada east and west each had 42 members to its assembly, and the Governor still had control and veto power. -
The Primeminister
The Prime minister would select members of the executive council from the assembly. -
Governor Lord Elgin
Governor Lord Elgin would be the first to not use his veto powers, and allow the Prime minister(majority holder) to have executive powers. -
The Charlottetown Conference
They left the meetings agreeing to consider a merger. -
The Quebec Conference
The leaders of Canada East and West meet with the leaders of four Maritime Provinces (NB,NS,PEI,and Nfld.) They agreed on 72 resolutions that would make the merger possible. They wanted a federal system,24 seats to each colony .They also wanted to build a railway between colonies. Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island withdrew. -
The London Conference
The Leaders of the 4 colonies meet to make arrangement to release from the British Empire to become a new “self-governing” colony. THE DOMINION OF CANADA -
The Quiet Revolution
With the electoral defeat of the Union Nationale by Jean Lesage and his Liberal Party La Révolution Tranquille began. -
Office de la langue française was created to promote the French language. They later made the official language act, Bill 22 (French Official language),then Bill 101. All this made it that only French signs were allowed in public spaces, only children with English speaking parents educated in Quebec could go to English schools. -
The October Crisis
The “October Crisis” occurred. Members of the FLQ kidnapped James Cross and Pierre Laporte. The Prime Minister Trudeau used the war measures act to call out the army, and hundreds of FLQ members are arrested and detained. Laportes body is found in the trunk of his car, but was Cross is released. -
The Oka Crises
Mohawk warriors established road blocks on the borders to their reserves in Oka just outside Montreal, beacuse a golf course wanted to expand its 9 holes onto native land. The natives militarily organized themselves and the Canadian Forces were called in to handle the situation.