Official power and countervailing powers

  • Founding of Quebec

    Founding of Quebec
    There was no official power at the time. The king of France gave the private companies all the rights to the fur trade there and had a very low population and very few women.
  • Creation of the Company of One Hundred Associates

    Creation of the Company of One Hundred Associates
    The company of 100 associates had most the control over the territory because the king of France didn't really care about the land so he gave the company the rights to the fur trade.
  • Royal Government

    Royal Government
    The Royal Government was put in place because the fur trading companies did not fulfill its promise to colonize New France. The Royal Government had the King at the top, the Minister of Marine right under him. Both of them being in France. Under that was the Governor and Intendant which created the Sovereign Council along with the Bishop. Under that was the Captain of Militia and under that was the population. All of them being in New France.
  • First bishop of Quebec, Mgr. de Laval

    First bishop of Quebec, Mgr. de Laval
    Francois de Laval was the first bishop of New France. He had no real power but a lot of influence. He had to ensure the spiritual well being of the citizens of New France.
  • Great Peace of Montreal

    Great Peace of Montreal
    The French wanted a great peace where they would stop having conflicts with the Amerindians. The French and 40 aboriginal nations signed the Great Peace of Montreal to stop the conflitcs.
  • Period: to

    War of the Conquest

    The War of Conquest was a war that involved Great Britain and France. Great Britain won the war and took a military control over Quebec.
  • Period: to

    British military rule

    After the British won the War of Conquest, they had a 3-year military rule, while the 7 years war was going on. The British army in Quebec had to wait for that war to be over to see if they will win.
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    The Royal Proclamation was the first constitution of Quebec and was made to assimilate French-speaking Canadiens and make them British.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The 13 British colonies were rebelling and Great Britain didn't want the French Canadiens to join them so they gave them the French Civil laws and English Criminal laws to keep them happy.
  • Constitutional Act

     Constitutional Act
    The Constitutional Act was the third constitution of Quebec. This was made to satisfy the requirements of both the French Canadiens and the Loyalist.
  • 92 Resolutions

    92 Resolutions
    The 92 Resolutions are the demands of the Parti Patriote, which include; the election of members of the Legislative Council, control of the budget by the Legislative Assembly, they wanted more Francophones to be appointed to administrative posts in the goverment, etc.
  • Period: to

    Rebellion in Upper and Lower Canada

    The Patriotes wanted people to boycott British imported products and pressure the government. They also held assemblies which we later prohibited by the government a few months later. They had 3 battles with the British army, they won the first one and lost the last two which ended the rebellions.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    The Act of Union united the two "Canadas". Upper and Lower Canada joined together to make United Canada.
  • British North American Act

    British North American Act
    With the British North American Act, Canada became a federation with only 4 provinces at first; Quebec, Ontrio, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
  • Conscription crisis

    Conscription crisis
    The first conscription crisis was for WWI. Canada still had ties with Great Britain so we had to decide if we wanted to go to war with them. So there was a vote for all males over the age of 18 had to go to war. A lot of the English-Canadiens said yes because they wanted to represent their mother country but the French-Canadiens said no. The final decision was yes.
  • Women's right to vote (Canada)

    Women's right to vote (Canada)
    While all the men where away at war, the country still had political elections and needed people to vote. They then gave the women the right to vote.
  • Maurice Duplessis, Premier

    Maurice Duplessis, Premier
    Maurice Duplessis was the head of the Quebec government from 1936-1939 and 1944-1959. He brought back the province a lot in terms of development. Godbout (the government while Duplessis was out of office) did more than him in 5 years then Duplessis did in all his time.
  • Padlock Act

    Padlock Act
    The Padlock Act was implemented by Duplessis in 1937. This act was created to protect the province against communistic propaganda.
  • Women's right to vote (Quebec)

    Women's right to vote (Quebec)
    Women got the right to vote in Quebec after Duplessis' first term under the Godbout government.
  • Conscription crisis #2

    Conscription crisis #2
    The second conscription crisis was for WWII. Very similar to the first conscription crisis, canada still had ties with Great Britain so we had to decide if we wanted to go to war with them. So there was a vote for all males over the age of 18 had to go to war. A lot of the English-Canadiens said yes because they wanted to represent their mother country but the French-Canadiens said no. The final decision was yes.
  • Nationalization of electricity

    Nationalization of electricity
    They nationalized electricity so everyone can have electricity. This also greatly impacted the Amerindians because they wanted to use their reserves to produce electricity. They then signed the James Bay Agreement Treaty in 1975 to solve this problem.
  • October crisis

    October crisis
    The October crisis was the start of the FLQ (Front de libération du Québec) started riots for the separation of Quebec. They kidnapped James Cross and Pierre Laporte, the British trade commissioner and the Minister of Labour of Quebec, at the time. They wanted them in exchange to free all the political prisoners. Pierre Trudeau decided not to negotiate with terrorists and implemented the War Measures Act. The FLQ then killed Laporte because he tried to jump out the window and was all cut up.
  • Referendum on sovereignty association

    Referendum on sovereignty association
    The French Canadiens wanted a referendum and separate from Canada and become an independent state. 59.56% of the population said no and 40.44% said yes.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    The federal government proposed a new draft to the constitution that is first accepted by all the provinces and later rejected by Newfoundland and Manitoba.
  • Referendum on sovereignty

    Referendum on sovereignty
    The French Canadiens wanted a referendum and separate from Canada and become an independent state. They wanted another vote after the majority of people said no in 1980. This time, 50.58% of the population said no and 49.42% said yes. Much closer then last time.
  • "Paix des Braves" agreement

    "Paix des Braves" agreement
    The "Paix des Braves" agreement was the signing of an agreement between the Quebec government and the Grand Council of The Crees.