Nov 18, 1500
First occupants
-They had no official leadership
-The Iroquois society was Matriarchy
-The Algonquin society was Patriarchy -
Royal Government
-The companies who held a monopoly in New France were destroying the colony
-The King ended the monopoly and put the colony under the minister of marine
-Together they decided to implement the royal government
-The bishop, the governor and the intendant were all on the sovereign council. The captain of militia dealt with issues on the seigneuries
-The king and the minister of marine would stay in France as the sovereign council ran New France directly -
Great Peace of Montreal
-A peace treaty between New France and 40 First Nations of North America
-This treaty was signed on August 4, 1701 by the governor of New France -
War between the Hurons and the Iroquiois
-The Hurons were the primary group of Amerindian to trade with the French
-They fought against the Iroquiois over the control of the fur trade territory
-The Hurons lost
-The Fench fought against the Iroquois until about 1703
-The Iroquois then allied with the British and they fought together against the French. They were almost able to wipe out the Hurons -
Royal proclamation
-Changes the colony's name to Province of Quebec
-It decreases the borders to just around the St-Lawrence Valley
-Put in a civilian government to run the new colony: the king appointed a governor, who then appointed members of an executive council to advise him
-English criminal and civil laws were applied
-Unused land would be divided by the Township system
-No new Biship was allowed
-No Roman Catholics can hold public office -
Treaty of Paris
-7 year war ends
-All of the territory known as New France is given to the king of England except for two small islands (Miquelon and St.Pierre) -
Quebec Act
-Guarantees French Canadian loyalty
-Enlarges the area of Quebec
-Denied an elected Assembly
-Appointed council
-Frenc civil laws were instated
-Tithe and seigneurial system are back
-Test Act Oath (if you swore to the king that you were loyal, you were allowed to hold office -
Constitutional Act
-The Province of Quebec was split into two pieces called Upper Canada and Lower Canada
-Lower Canada was almost entirely French
-Upper Canaa was almost entirely English
-A representative government came out of this act
-The governor had total veto power -
92 resolutions
-The leader of the Parti Patriote was Louis Joesph Papineau and he was the one who wrote the 92 resolutions
-Their main demand was for a responsible government
-This document was sent to the British to look at
-Lord John Russell responded with the 10 resolutions, which did not solve any of the issues -
-The response of Lord Russell was taken as an insult and rebellions broke out in both Upper Canada and Lower Canada
-Lower Canada's rebellion was lead by Louis Joseph Papnineau
-The rebellions ended in 1838 -
The Charlottetown Conferene
-Leaders of Canada Est/West meet with the leaders of three Maritimes Provinces
-They left the meetings agreeing to consider a marger. -
The Quebec Conference
-There were the same members of the last Conference
-They agreed on 72 resolution in which would make the merger possible
-They wanted to build a railway between colonies
-The Assembly would be elected by "rep by pop"
-There would be 24 seats to each colony -
The London Conference
-The leaders of the four colonies met up to make up arrangements to release from the British government in order to become a new "self governing" colony
-It is the Diminion of Canada
-Its capital of Ottawa was created under the British North America Act
-On July 1st, 1887, Canada became its own country, containing four provinces (Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) -
Great depression
-The depression brings about the creation of many charity groups and aid organizations
-The pressure that they exert on the government contributes to the adoption of laws and different measures that are intended to protect the average citizen -
Jacques Parizeau Refeendum
-A referendum was held in 1995 by Jacques Parizeau
-The resuts were 50.6% to 49.4%
-This issue has still not yet been reoslved and it is possible that there will be another referendum in the future
-All Quebec needs to seperate is 50% plus 1 -
Office de la langue française
-Office de la langue française was created in order to promote the French language -
Environmental groups
-Since 1970, there has been lots of pressure from environmental groups to ensure masures and laws in order to protect the environment
-Here are some environmental movements in Quebec: Greenpeace, the Green Party and l'action Boréale -
October crisis
-In 1970, the October crisis occured
-The FLQ kidnapped James Cross and Pierre Laporte
-Prime Minister Trudeau used the war measures act to call out the army, and hundreds of the members of the FLQ were arrested
-Laportes body was found in the trunk of a car and James Cross wa released -
Bill 101
-A law that said that only French signs were allowed in public places.
-Only children with English speaking parents from Quebec can go to English schools. -
Constitution act and charter of rights and freedom
-In order to unify the country, Pierre Elliot Trudeau met with the provincial leaders to discuss a method of patriating the constitution, and assuring full independance from Great Britain
-All of the provinces agreed to it accpet for Quebec, who did not sign it
-The Constitution Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedom stilll went ahead in 1982
-To this day, Quebec has not signed it -
Meech Lake Accord
-Prime minister Brain Mulrouney tried to organize a package that would satisy Quebec and the other provinces
-The Meech Lake Accord was then written with different reforms but was denied by Nfl and Manitoba -
Oka Crisis
-In the summer of 1990, Mohawk warriors established road blocks on the borders to their reserves in Oka justt outside Montreal, when a golf course wanetd to expand its 9 holes into native land
-Th native military organized themselves and the Canadian forces were calld in to handle the situation
-The Oka crisis lasted 78 days however, the issues still remained -
The Charlettetown Agreement
-The Charlttetown Agreement sought to do the same think as the Meech Lake Accord (including the recognition of aboriginal and Quebec rights).
-It was voted against by the people.