
Official Power and Countervailing Power

  • Period: Dec 3, 1500 to

    Official Power and Countervailing Power

  • Dec 15, 1500

    First Occupants

  • Dec 15, 1550


    This Society was a Matrarchy; leadership and decision making was the responsibility of women
  • Dec 15, 1550


    Society was Patriatchy; Father played vital leadership role.
  • French Regime

    From 1608 to 1760
  • Power Relations between Amerindians and the Colonial Adminitrators

    Power Relations between Amerindians and the Colonial Adminitrators
    -French = Hurons = Primary group to trade with the French. Fought against the Iroquois for the control of the fur trade territory.
    -English = Iroquois = Allies with the British and fought against the French (and Hurons) for control over the fur trade. (Almost wiped out the Hurons)
  • Power relations between the Church and the State

    Power relations between the Church and the State
    -The Clergy was basically everywhere:
    -Priests in charge of parishes (cures)
    -Priests working as missionaries
    -Nins working in hospitals
  • Coureurs des bois

    Coureurs des bois
    -They are French settlers who travel deep into the forest, lived with the natives much of the year, and traded with the Amerindians. (The french were forced to go out and collect furs deeper into the forest since most of there allies have been destroyed)
  • Power relations between the Church and the State Cont.

    *The King assumes power based on the principal of Divine Right of kings.
    -The king ended the monopoly and placed New France under the Minister of Marine since the companies who were in charge were almost destroying New France. Louis and the Minister of Marines implemented the Royal Government in 1663.
  • The Council (Royal Government 1663)

    The Council (Royal Government 1663)
    Gouvernor - Highest Rank, Commander of Army and dealt iwth external affairs.
    Intendant - Most influential, chief administrator, controlled things like budget, justice, etc.
    Bishop - Appointed by the Pope, administered over schools, hospitals etc.
  • Difficulties of the First Governors

    Difficulties of the First Governors
    -James Murray (Governor) found the Royal Proclamation unworkable (since 1% was English and 99% French).
    -He allowed a new Bishop
    -He allowed French laws in the lower courts.
    He did not call an elected assembly since it would favor the English Merchants.
    Note: English Merchants did not like this a demanded a new Governor. They got Guy Carleton... who would kept the same tolerant polices of Murray.
  • Power relations between the colony and the mother country

    Power relations between the colony and the mother country
    Absolute Monarchy: The king names administrators of the colony and can still reverse any decisions they make. Note: There began a distance from France: the king exercised less control.
  • British Regime

    From 1760 to 1867
  • Articles of Capitulation

    Articles of Capitulation
    The document states the following:
    1.The French Militia could return home, no one would lose their property
    2.The French Regular military would lay down their arms and leave.
    3.The people could practice the R.C. religion, but the Bishop would have to leave.
    4.The people who stayed would become British Subjects.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    -7year war ends.
    -All the Territory known as New France is given to the King of England except two small Islands. (St.Pierre, Miquelon)
  • Royal Proclamation

    Royal Proclamation
    -It gives the King's new colony a name, The Province of Quebec
    -It decreases the borders to just around the St-Lawrence river valley
    -Put in place a civilian Government to run the new Colony: The King appointed a Governor.
    -English Criminal and Civil laws were applied.
    -No new Bishop would be allowed
    -No Roman Catholics could hold public office
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    -This guarantees French Canadian loyalty
    -Enlarges the area of Quebec
    -Denied an elected assembly
    -Appointed council
    -French civil laws were instated, tithe and seigniorial system are back
  • Quebec Act Cont.

    -Up until 1763 the Americans needed British protection from the French.
    -They wanted Western Expansion into the Ohio Valley
    -Britain was unhappy with the 13 colonies. (did not give enough in war)
    (Nothing Important with the US)
    -Loyalists moved to Quebec
  • The Constitutional Act

    The Constitutional Act
    -The Province was split in two pices called Upper Canada and Lower Canada
    Upper: Was entirely English
    Lower: Was almost entirely French -Lower kept their religion, cilvil laws, etc.
    -Upper: Changed to township system and English Civil laws
  • Representative Government

    Representative Government
    -This was the first time people were able to vote and be represented in Canada, representative government was a big step forward.
    -Did not work out well in Lower Canada (Legislative Assembly= French/ Legislative Council= English) This caused the Rebellions of 1837-38)
  • Rebellions of 1837-38

    Rebellions of 1837-38
    Parti Patriotes vs British Party
    -Patriotes created 92 Resolutions (main demand was for Responsible Government)
    -Britain responded with the 10 Reosultions (didn't solve any demands)
    -Lord Durham was sent to the Canada's to give his opinion on what to do.
  • Lord Durham’s Recommendations

    Lord Durham’s Recommendations
    Britain should increase immigration in order to assimilate the French.
    The two Canada’s should be united (eng. now have majority)
    Responsible Government should be granted to eliminate veto power.
  • Act of Union (the 4th constitution)

    Act of Union (the 4th constitution)
    -Creates the Prov. of Canada consisting of Canada East and West (former upper and lower Canada).
    -Canada east and west each had 42 members to its assembly
    -Governor still had control and veto power
    -Created "Responsible Government"
  • Contemporary Period

    From 1867 to Today
  • The Dominion of Canada

    The Dominion of Canada
    The people wanted a merge.
    -The were three conferences: Charlottetown, Quebec, and London.
    1867 - July 1st, the creation of the DoBritish North America Act.
  • Influence of Church

    Influence of Church
    After 1837 the bishops became more and more powerful, the cures became the most important person in the parish.
    -Controlled almost everything (education, hospitals, etc)
  • Power relations between Financial Circles and the State

    Power relations between Financial Circles and the State
    -Involvement of businessmen in politics facilitates access to grants, laws and regulations in favour of companies and banks
    -The practice of funding of political parties by businessmen causes scandals and a denunciation of patronage.
    -From 1960, the state takes control of certain sectors of the economy, subsidizes Quebec companies and recognizes the rights of employees
  • Quiet Revolution

    Quiet Revolution
    Main Features
    -To make the Quebec gov’t the major force behind Quebec's social and economic development by greatly increasing the role of the state in both of these sectors
    -To modernize Quebec's educational system.
    -To weaken the influence of the Church
  • Quebec Nationalism

    Quebec Nationalism
    Quebecers thought of themselves as different/special. They wanted rights in the French language.
    Referendums - A vote to decide whether Quebec would stay with Canada or become a Independant country.