Of Beetles & Angels

By molhan
  • Haileab (Mawi's Father) is born

    Born in Seraye, Eritra
  • Haileab leaves homeland for Ethiopia

    At age fourteen an fearing for his safety, Haileab wanders in earch of a place to live.
  • Haileab begins to work cleaning clinics

    Haleab begged for a chance to work as cleaner at the clinic.
  • Taking the test

    Haileab took an passed the government standardized xamination. With passng score of eighty-for, he had the second highest score of the group .arning th right to trainas an advanced dresser.
  • A famous villager

    Living now in Tigray, Ethiopia Haleab was actively practicing medicine. He woul often traverse miles by foot to provide medical treatment.
  • Period: to

    The Camp

    Mawi's family spent time in a Sudanese refugee camp
  • Waiting to depart for America

    The family refuses to lave for America without their daughter/sister. They could not all six go without the proper paperwork.
  • Leaving Ethiopia

    At the age of 3, Mawi Asgedom and his family leave Ethiopia for the United States.
  • A year passes

    In 1983 after waiting the year it would take fo he paperwork and relief agency to get resources aligned everything as finally in order. Th family starts on their way to the U.S.
  • Chicago Motel Life

    The family spends its first two weeks in a two-room motel.
  • Malaria

    Mawi's father comes down with malaria
  • The Public Library

    Mawi and Tewolde visit the libray for the fist time.
  • Towolde's business

    Towolde worked as a laborer cleaning before staring his own company "ProClean".
  • Tewolde is killed

    Halfway through his senior yar of high-scholl, Tewolde is killd by a drunk driver.
  • Educational or Dance?

    Mawi's parent di not approve of th children attending school dncs. Instd thy told thir parents tha the oul be missing out on prt of the overall educational program if the could not go.
  • Honor Roll

    In 6th grade, Mawi makes his schools Honor Roll.
  • Conference Championship

    Mawi anchors his high schools 4x800 teams victory at Wheaton North High-School
  • Coaches influence

    Coach Kroger (Basketball) and Coach Martin (Track) played a pivotal role in Mawi's athletic participation in high-school.
  • College applications

    Mawi applies to eight universities. Even without being able to afford the $50 application fee, he submits and asks for his application to be considered.
  • Mom's travels

    Mawi's mom travels back to Adi to see her mother and family.
  • Junior at Harvard

    While home for Christmas break, Mawi saw his father for what would be th last time.
  • The loss of a father

    Mawi's ftheris killed whiole riding his bike near the family home by a drunk driver.
  • Mawi's College major

    Studies and gets a degree in American History
  • Graduation

    Mawi delivers his classes commencement speech.