
Odyssey Timeline! By: Sam and Audrey

  • Troy

    This is where Odysseus's journey began. Troy was the city where they used the Tojan horse to break in and defeat the trojans finding out that the horse was filled with greeks warriors and Troy was doomed.
  • Cicones

    The Cicones lived at Ismarus.
  • Lotus

    The Lotus is a flower and the lotus eatters are what eat the flowers. The Lotus eatters try to get odysseus men to eat the lotus, but those who eat the lotus never report back nor return.
  • Cyclops

    The Cyclopes is a giant with one eye. This is the plan to kill to defeat the Cyclopes.
    1.He made the pointy staff
    2.Give them wine to get to them drunk
    3.Stab the Cyclops in the eye
    4. Him and his men tied themselves under the sheep to escape the Cyclops.
  • King Aeolus and they were so close to Ithaca!

    King Aeolus and they were so close to Ithaca!
    Odysseus and his men stay for one month with the King. As parting gifts, Odysseus recieves a fair west wind that would blow him towards Ithaca and a bag containing the unfavorable stormy winds. Within sight of home, Odysseus takes a nap, and while sleeping the crew opens the bag of winds—thinking its valubles —blowing them back to King Aeolus when they were super close to Ithaca! King Aeolus refuses to help.
  • Laestrygones

    the laestrygones, canibals were like a small bump in the road if was a little tough but in the ends odysseus his men and his ship all made in out!
  • Circe

    Circe is the women who turns men into animals such as pigs. Circe gives odysseus a magic drink but he wasnt a affected by it and he threatned to kill her with his sword,So she turned them all back into men after one year.
  • Land of the dead

    Land of the dead
    Circe told Odysseus that him and his men have to go to the land of the dead and hear a prophecy from the ghost of Tiresias. If Odysseus did not go to tiresias him and his men could not return to Ethica.
  • Back to Circe

    Back to Circe
    Odysseus goes back to Circe to tell her what he has found out from Tiresias. When Odysseus and his men return from the land of the dead they are on the ship and while the men are asleep Circe takes Odyssesu aside to hear about the underworld and give advice.
  • Siren; Scylla & Charybdis

    Siren; Scylla & Charybdis
    Siren is part bird and part women whose songs put sailors to death. So all of Odysseus men put wax in there ears, except for Odysseus who gets tied up to a pole and listens to her sing.
    Scylla is a sixed headed monster, who eats six of Odyssesus men one for each head.Charybdis is a dangerous whirlpool personified as a female sea monster. Odysseus desides to go by Scylla instead of Charbdis because if they went to Charbdis they would all die and if they go to Scylla only six of the men would be..
  • Helios cattle & Zeus lighting bolts

    Helios cattle & Zeus lighting bolts
    Odysseus trust his men to much so when they talked them in to staying at Thrinacia his men ate the cattle after being warned many times which caused there punishment Zeus's lighting bolts which killed all of them except Odyssesus.
  • Caylpso

    For seven years Odyssesus spent in the Mediterranean Sea held against his will by the goddess Calypso.