odyssey timeline

  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus began is journey at the city of Troy. Odysseus was a greek soldier who created the idea to ambush the trojans. He suggested to retreat from the war-zone in order to make it seem as though they surrendered and build the horse of their ships.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus Eaters

    Lotus Eaters
    After the lost battle with the Cicones, Odysseus arrived at another island maintained by the Lotus Eaters. When Odysseus men ate the Lotus plant they couldnt remember their first tasks. For this reason Odysseus had to drag his men back to the ship and return home.
  • 1200 BCE

    Meeting Ployphemus

    Meeting Ployphemus
    Odysseus and his men land on this maintained island that belonged to Cyclops.They entered cyclops cave because of how hungry they were. They realized that the cave ha a one eyed monster living in it. it was Poseidon.
  • 1200 BCE

    Island of Aeolia

    Island of Aeolia
    Odysseus and his men end up on Aeolus which is the god of wind. Aeolus fills up a bag of evil heavy wind and gives it to them so that when they see Ithaca someone will open it and they will get sent right back. Which did happen.
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus is now on an island filled with Laestragonians. Many of odysseus men were being eaten by a tribe called Cannibals. The Cannibals also destroyed eleven of Odysseuss twleve ships.
  • 1200 BCE

    On the island of the cicones

    On the island of the cicones
    After the ten year battle of the Trojan war.Odysseus men pillaged the villages on the island of cicones and took their peoples luxuries. That night the greeks had retreated six benches of each ship Odysseus commanded empty.
  • 1199 BCE


    Odysseus then lands on Aeaea, home to Circe, goddess of magic.Hermes tells Odysseus that his men were captures by Circe. To save his men, Odysseus had to eat a plant called Moly.
  • 1198 BCE

    The Land of the Dead

    The Land of the Dead
    Odysseus is sent to go to the underworld to seek a prophecy from Tiresias. Tiresias told Odysseus to take the route of Scylla.
  • 1198 BCE

    The Sirens

    The Sirens
    After the hero left the Underworld, he went back to Aeaea in order to talk to Circe. The Sirens make nosie that makes ship come towards their trap. Luckily, Circe told them to use bees wax to muffle the sound.
  • 1198 BCE

    Charybids and Scylla

    Charybids and Scylla
    Tiresias suggested Pdysseus to sail to zScylla.Odysseus and his men see a dangerous whirl pool called a Charybidis with a mysterious cave.
  • 1198 BCE


    Next stop Odysseus lands on Thrinakia,the island of the suns godss cattle.meanwhile when Odysseus is passed out afteer praying to aid his hungry men, the soldiers were persuaded to kill a cattle and eat it.Odysseus was kapt alive because Zues didnt want to have to deal with the problem.
  • 1198 BCE


    Odysseus continued his journey by floating on his own wreckage ship. He ends up on the home of Calypso, island of Ogygia. Cslypso wanted Odysseus to think shes a nice person.
  • 1198 BCE


    Odysseus leaves Clypso and is now continuing his journey on a small boat. Odysseus is found by the daughter of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians. After listening to Odysseus journey Alcinous gives Odysseus a ship to sail back to his homeland Ithaca.
  • 1198 BCE


    Odysseus is now at home, Athena told him that there is an ambush waiting for him. Later on, Odysseus finally sees his son, Telelachaus and his wife Penelope.Odysseus in disguise, wins the bow competition and then Athena revealed Odysseus true identity.