October Surprise

  • A Forged Letter Almost Becomes Garfield’s ‘Death Warrant’

    A Forged Letter Almost Becomes Garfield’s ‘Death Warrant’
    12 days before the election there was a foraged letter sent they called it Garfield’s “death warrant.”
  • FDR Almost Loses the Black Vote

    FDR Almost Loses the Black Vote
    On October 28, a high-profile incident threatened to cost FDR the Black vote for good.
  • Kissinger Prematurely Announces ‘Peace’ in Vietnam

    Kissinger Prematurely Announces ‘Peace’ in Vietnam
    n both 1968 and 1972, incumbent presidents tried to secure last-minute peace deals to swing the election in their favor. just days later, the peace talks in Vietnam fell apart and Humphrey lost to Nixon.
  • Iranian hostage crisis

    Iranian hostage crisis
    More than 50 American citizens were held hostage at the American Embassy in Tehran with no political solution in sight.
  • Contra Indictment Is Bad News for George H.W. Bush

    Contra Indictment Is Bad News for George H.W. Bush
    If Bush had hopes of defeating his Democratic challenger, Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas, they took a serious hit in June 1992. That’s when Caspar Weinberger, who served as Secretary of Defense under President Reagan, was indicted for his involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair.
  • A DUI Almost Derails George W. Bush

    A DUI Almost Derails George W. Bush
    Bush was arrested for drunk driving in Maine after a long night of partying.
  • FBI Reopens Probe into Clinton’s Emails

    FBI Reopens Probe into Clinton’s Emails
    The resurrection of the email investigation—which had been the target of Republican ire for a year—delivered a crippling blow to the Clinton campaign. (In her memoir, Clinton said that Comey had “shivved” her.) Clinton lost the election by a narrow margin, despite winning the popular vote.