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American Revolution Timeline

By bridgep
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    These were a series of laws that regulated trade. It was passed by the English Parliament. It taxed the imports and exports from the English colonies.
  • French and Indian War Ends

    French and Indian War Ends
    Britain has triumphed over France in the Seven Years War. With this, the Treaty of Paris had been signed, which forced France to lose their territories.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This raised taxes on legal and commercial documents. This included: playing cards, dice, diplomas, newspapers, pamphlets, and almanacs.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This was a street fight that killed several colonists. The weapons included of stones, sticks, and snowballs. However, this would began the colonists desire for free-will.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    This gave the East Indian Company power on the British tea imports. In other words, it permitted the company to vendor tea directly. Consequently, it produced cheaper tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    This was a political protest held by American colonists. They were frustrated due to, “taxation without representation.” With this, they dumped British East India Co. tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Coercive Act

    Coercive Act
    This was a punishment inflicted due to the Boston Tea Party. They were laws that limited trade and gave more power to the British. For example, the Port Bill shut down Boston, until compensated.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    This presented the plan of how to respond to the Intolerable Acts. It had 55 delegates from 12 of the colonies.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    This would be the opening shots to the American Revolution. It would be known as the “shot heard around the world.” This would persuade Americans to support the idea of independence.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    This meeting exemplified the normal ways of government. It directed the path into conducting an army and forming strategy.
  • Declaration of Independence Adopted

    Declaration of Independence Adopted
    In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Continental Congress had officially adopted the Declaration of Independence. It began independence in the United States of America.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Americans had triumphed over this battle. This would lead to the alliance of France and America.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    This is where the Continental Army had stayed under the leadership of George Washington. It was a six-month encampment that consisted of cold weather, disease, and hunger.
  • U.S. Constitution Adopted

    U.S. Constitution Adopted
    On this day, the Constitution had become official in the U.S. This would stabilize their government.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    This was a significant battle in history. The British had surrendered which had ended the American Revolution.
  • U.S. Constitution Written

    U.S. Constitution Written
    On this day the Constitution was signed by the majority of delegates. This marked the beginning of something new.