Octogan place

Octagon Place

  • Octagon Place was built

    Octagon Place was built
    Sinnett Octogan House was built and would later be used to help bring slaves to the north through the underground rail road.
  • Period: to


  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President issued an order to all segments of the exucitave branch, (not a law passed by congress) it proclaimed all those inslaved to be free forever and ordered the army to help inforce it.
  • Union Troops arive in Texas

    In June of 1865 the Union Troops arive in Texas to inforce the emancipation proclimation.
  • 13th Amendment was adopted by the USA

    13th Amendment was adopted by the USA
    The thirtenth amendment outlaws slavery and invoulentary servitude is adopted by the USA.
  • Supreem Court Dicition

    The supreme court decides to up hold the constitutionality of state laws requiring racial segregation in public. Equaling "Seperate but Equal". Plessy vs Ferguson.