ockys timeline

By ocky
  • Day of birth

    I was born on December 15th 2009 at 6:30 am at st Lukes's hosptal
  • First day of preschool

    I only remember some of preschool or anything before 3rd grade
  • first day of 4th grade

    This is when i actually remember stuff
  • covid starts and school shuts down

    It wasn't a big thing to me at first I remember talking about it in 4th grade a joking how it wasn't gonna be that bad
  • The derecho

    That day I woke up and 30 minutes later the storm happened
  • Start of 6th grade

    i remember everything about this day
  • start of 7th grade

    because i can't remember anything in the summer
  • football game

    first time playing football
  • Polo g concert

    last interesting thing that happened in my life