Jul 19, 600
Pok-a-Tock Was Before AD It was Some TIme In The BC
Unlike the game of Bul, Pok-a-tok was taken very seriously and only the best of athletes could play. It was a combination of Soccer, Basketball, Racquetball, and Volleyball. It was played with a six inch rubber ball and a hoop which was placed vertically, could barely fit the ball in it and was placed twenty to thirty feet above the ground. The object was not only to get the ball in the hoop but to also keep the ball in motion. They did this with any part of their body except their hands. It was -
Period: Jan 1, 700 to
Jul 19, 776
First Ever Olympic Games In Olympia, Greece
776 BC -
Jul 19, 1000
Cricket Started Between 700-1000 AD
The First Ever UEFA Cup Was In 1897
1897 -
The First Ever World Cup Was in 1930 in Uraguay.