
Ocean Trends

  • 1 CE


    Abiotic Factors are the nonliving components in ecosystems. These include temperature, climate, and resources
  • Burning of Fossil Fuels

    Burning of Fossil Fuels
    This happens when we burn natural things like coal. It is often used as fuel/energy to power homes and factories.
  • Increased CO2

    Increased CO2
    As time goes on, humans burn more fossil fuels. This causes the CO2 levels released by the burning of fossil fuels to increase in the atmosphere as well. Thus causing "Climate Change"
  • Decreasing Ocean pH levels

    Decreasing Ocean pH levels
    As more fossil fuels are burned and more CO2 is released into the atmosphere, there is also an increase in the CO2 that goes into the ocean. This then causes an acidic effect. This will then cause the ocean pH levels to decrease, which makes the ocean more acidic.
  • Ocean pH and Shells

    Ocean pH and Shells
    Ocean Acidification causes the shells of organisms made by calcium carbonate to slowly dissolve. Also, the more acidic the ocean is, the faster the shells dissolve. This would mean organisms with shells have to spend more energy to develop these protective shells if they even can, which can be negative for their species
  • Coyotes In the City

    Coyotes In the City
    This cycle can be shown as a model for coyotes going in cities. Where animals like coyotes are forced into dire situations. Then they have to deal with difficult decisions and journeys to survive because of the actions of humanity.