Russia decided to support Chiding Kai-Shek instead of Mao Tse-tung
The Red Army had about 300,000 men.
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A treaty of friendship was signed by Mao Tse-Tung.
The Soviet Union was attacked by China publicly, because of this the Soviet removed aid in China.
India was being backed up by the Soviets.
The Russians invade Czecjoslovakia, and China is scared Beijing would be next.
The U.S starts to see that both of the communist parties, Russia and China aren't getting along.
The U.S convinced Russia to not nuclear bomb China, bombing could lead to WW3.
Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhner believes that the U.S will declare a nuclear attack if the Soviet attacks China first.
Zhu found out that Kong had been sneaking out of the barracks.
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Kong had to write a letter because he was forced to for his lover Mali.
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Gay rights movement beigins to gain attention.
The Sears tower becomes the tallest building in world.
Celebration of Uncle Piao's birthday, soldiers came over to celebrate.
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Russian soldiers started firing at Chinese soldiers at the Commune Administration.
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The military department of Hutou said that all the men had to give back the military weapons back.
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China's Armys guns were stolen on National Day.
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Disney opens up
U.S president Richard Nixon visits China.
Cmmissar Huang Hsing wrote a letter to a Russian Soldier and letter also contained pictures of Dragon Head.
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Chinese soldiers Cheng Zhi and Gu Gong fought because they believed one did not represent a good example of a revolutionary soldier.
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U.S president Richard Nixon visits the Soviet Union and meets up with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.
Maria Teresa wins the Nobel Peace pritze