Obsolete Items

  • 800


    Used to be used way back to track time which is now replaced with a clock.
  • IceBox

    Used as a refrigerator before refrigerators came out to keep food cool.
  • Carbon paper

    Carbon paper
    Carbon paper used to be used to cops documents, now we use photo copiers.
  • Phonograph

    Phonographs were used back in the days for recording and reproducing sound. They have now been replaced by speakers to make sound a voice recorders/sound records such as a MP3.
  • Telephone directory

    Telephone directory
    Telephone directory's were used to find peoples phone numbers by looking up names or addresses- there used to be around 50 names. Now we use 4-1-1 or other websites.
  • Analog Television

    Analog Television
    Analog television was the original TVs that were black and white. We now use TV which is displayed in colour.
  • Overhead projector and slide projector

    Overhead projector and slide projector
    Overhead Projectors were used to mirror something to make it larger, and the slide projectors were used to show films bigger. Both have been relaced by a video projector.
  • Fax Machines

    Fax machines were a deceive that sends/received pictures or printed things and were sent via telephone numbers to other fax machines. We now use things like email.
  • Laserdisc

    A laserdisc was a larger version of the now-a-day replacement a "CD" that was used to store films.
  • Telegraph

    Telegraphs used to be used for long distance communication which we can now do on things such as telephones and emails.