Obsolete items

  • Old Telephone

    Old Telephone
    This is what the telephones look like when they were first invented!
  • Type writer

    Type writer
    This was the most common way to write pages.. But if you made a mistake you would have to completely restart!
  • Phone numbers

    Phone numbers
    This tool was used to hold phone numbers!
  • Phone Booth

    Phone Booth
    This is getting used less and less, it is a little booth you go in and pay a fee to make a call.
  • Calculator

    Nowadays people are just using there phone as a calculator.
  • Tape player

    Tape player
    This is used to play movies or videos.
  • Polaroid

    This was one of the first cameras.
  • Boom Box

    Boom Box
    This was another type of music player that isn't too old but still obsolete.
  • CD Player

    CD Player
    A way to play music.
  • Flip phone

    Flip phone
    Flip phones were used to text and call now the phones are more advanced.