Obsolete Items

  • 411

    411 or Directory Assistance was a telephone number you could call to get information about directions or locations. this stopped in the early 1980s.
  • Rotary Phone

    Rotary Phone
    The Rotary Phone was a phone where you had to spin the dial to each individual number. this phone went obsolete due to the Button Phone (Touch-Tone) when it came out in 1963. people took a bit to move out of the Rotary Phone, it finally went obsolete in the 1980s
  • Pay Phones

    Pay Phones
    Pay Phones went obsolete because of the new technology in phones and communications. you can still find some today just most likely they do not work. these went obsolete in 1984.
  • Fax Machine

    Fax Machine
    The fax machine went obsolete in 1989. This machine was used to send messages or documents because there was no such thing as texting back then. Some doctors still use them today to send sensitive information or documents because fax machines are really hard to crack or change the information as a third party making this a secure way to send messages you don't want anyone but the person your sending the information to see.
  • Buttons

    Buttons are going obsolete due to the Iphones and touch screen devices, it seems that everyone wants a touch screen world. this started to happen in 1992, when the first touch screen phone came out.
  • CDs

    The CD is going obsolete due to the new technology that keeps coming out where you can just rent, buy or download anything you want, making it no need for CDs. this started in 1999
  • Floppy disk

    Floppy disk
    The floppy disk was used to back up information from your computer. in 1998 we were using 2 billion floppy disk but they started to decline. around 2000 they went obsolete.
  • VCRs

    VCRs are used to play VHS tapes or cassettes. This allowed you to rewind, stop, fast forward. record and play these tapes. it was the really early version of a dvd player. it went obsolete in 2006
  • Phone Books (Yellow Pages)

    Phone Books (Yellow Pages)
    the phone book is a book that has everyone's phone number in it from a-z. they still make these but it has pretty much gone obsolete due to you being able just to add it into your phone or google someone's number.
  • Blockbuster

    Blockbuster the movie rental store went out of business due to the new technology where instead of renting movies you could just download them from online. There was no demand for rental stores anymore and forced them to run out of business.