Obsolete Music Players Throughout The Decades

  • The Phonograph

    The Phonograph
    The Phonograph was a device created by a man named Thomas Edison in the year 1877 that was used to record sounds but it couldn't play music. It became obsolete in 1928
  • The Gramophone

    The Gramophone
    The Gramophone was created in 1887 by a man named Thomas Edison who also invented the Phonograph as well it was the first turntable and record player but it became obsolete in the 1980s
  • 78 RPM Standard

    78 RPM Standard
    In the year 1925 the 78 RPM standard was introduced to the public so they could use the records to play music on their gramophones until the 1940s when LP's came out
  • First Transistor Radio

    First Transistor Radio
    The First Transistor Radio was created in the year 1954 and it was the first portable radio that allowed people to listen to music on the go since it was small it was used until 1959
  • Audio Cassette

    Audio Cassette
    Audio Cassettes were invented in 1963 they were a smaller portable music player that provided mixtapes until it became obsolete in the 2002
  • The 8-Track Tape

    The 8-Track Tape
    The 8-Track Tape was created in the year 1965 and it was the first recorded music that was brought into cars before audio cassette players but it became obsolete in the year 1982
  • The Walkman

    The Walkman
    The Walkman was created in the year 1979 it was the first personal music player that combined an audio cassette tape and headphones it was created by Sony but became obsolete in the year 2010
  • The First Compact Disc

    The First Compact Disc
    The First Compact Disc was created in the year 1983 it offered better quality recording and increased durability unlike an audio cassette tape until it became obsolete in the year 2003
  • MP3 Player

    MP3 Player
    The MP3 Player was created in 1998 it played audio files at the time it replaced the usage of another media to hold music until it became obsolete in 2010s
  • The iPod

    The iPod
    The iPod was released in the year 2001 and it increased the popularity of digital music until it became obsolete in the year 2022
  • iPod Touch

    iPod Touch
    The iPod Touch was released by Apple in the year 2007 it was a music player but allowed other features as well until it became obsolete in the year 2022