
  • 1567

    Saint Francis de Sales birth

    Was born August 21 1567
  • Jan 28, 1572

    St Jane De Chantel

    Founder of a religous community, mother died when she was 18 months old.
  • Margret Mary Alacoque born

    Was born in 1647
  • Margaret Mary Alacoque vow of chastity

    Takes vow of chasity at an early age, around 15.
  • Saint Francis de sales canonized

    April 19 1665
  • Margret Mary Alacoque

    Had a vision of Jesus who show her the sacred heart
  • Mary de sales

    Born June 16 1793
  • Mary de sales

    She co founded the congregation of oblates st Francis de sales. Was a spiritual leader in the order of visatation of holy Mary.
  • St. John bosco

    He educated kids who were in Trouble and didn’t have the best grades.
  • Father brission

    Founder of the oblate sisters of st Francis de sales and he found it with leonine avoiet.
  • Leonie Aviat

    Co founder with Louis brission of the oblate sisters of st Francis de Sales.
  • 7 visitation martyers

    Killed because they were they believed in god, they got shot.
  • Mary de sales death

    October 7 1875
  • St. John bosco Canonized

    April 1 1934
  • Margret Mary Alacoque feast day

    Her feast day was oct 16