objectives unit 2

  • Federalists

    John Adams is elected president for the Federalist Party who believed that the new central government, and the well-educated, wealthy classes, should be given the greatest power of government. The Federalist Papers explained the Constitution to the American people and promoted the concept of Federalism.
  • Anti-Federalist

    Adams and the Federalist party were opposed by the Anti-Federalist Party who believed that the vast majority of ordinary, less educated people, had the skills and common sense required to run the government.
  • Democratic-Republicans

    By 1792, opposition to the policies of the Federalist Party was growing. Led by Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), critics of the Federalists banded together to form the Republican Party . They were also called Democratic-Republicans or Jeffersonian Republicans.
  • Jacksonian Democrats

    Jacksonian democracy is the political movement toward greater democracy for the common man typified by American politician Andrew Jackson and his supporters.
  • The Party of Lincoln (Republicans)

    The National Union Party was formed to further the beliefs of national interest above sectional interests and states' rights. It was organized in 1854 in opposition to the extension of slavery and eventually emerged as the Republican party. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860 as the first leader of the Party. Upon Abraham Lincoln's death in 1865, Andrew Johnson became the only other National Union President. The 'National Union Party' then changed its name to the Republican Party.
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    The Great Depression led to lots of big changes in politics. Roosevelt was president at this time. Those who supported him were normally southerners, small farmers, and tended to organize labor unions and big-city political organizations.
  • Modern Republicans

    Those who support this party are Conservative, or they tend to adhere to tradition. They dont believe taxes should be increased, but believe military spending should be increased. They tend to oppose abortion. They believe in individual rights and that justice should rule supreme.
  • Modern Democrats

    Those who support this arty tend to be liberal, or open to change. They favor a minimum wage and progressive taxation. They wish to decrease military spending, and support the legality of abortion. In a community, modern Democrats believe that people should be socially responsible.