
  • Obama is elected President

    Obama is elected President
  • Obama announces end date for all combat missions in Iraqi

    Obama announces end date for all combat missions in Iraqi
    1. On February 27, 2009 Obama announced there will be no more combat missions in Iraqi after August 31, 2010.
    2. The war in Iraq, which was started by President Busch in 2003, would finally come to the end under President Obama in 2010.
    3. The consiquences caused by Obama is no more war in Iraq.
  • GM Bailout

    GM Bailout
    1. General Motors, one of the back bones of our countrie's economy was going bankrupt.
    2. On March 30, 2009 President Obama did a governmnt bailout of General Motors, Therefore sustaining our economy.
    3. The consiquences were moving our society one step closer to a Socilism regime.
  • Fort Hood Shooting

    Fort Hood Shooting
    1. On Novemeber 5, 2009 Nidal Hasan, a U.S. army major shot and killed 13 people and injured 30 others. He was paralyzed during his surrounder and was sentenced to death in August 2013. The weapon he used was a semi- automatic hand gun,
    2. Obama felt he had obtained the gun too easily and has made rescritions on how to get fire arms.
    3. The consiquences of Obamas actions took our rights as American citizens away.
  • The Affordable Care Act

    The Affordable Care Act
    The Affordable Care Act “Obamacare” was signed into law on march 23,2010 the Reforms include new benefits, rights and protections, rules for insurance companies, taxes, tax breaks, funding, spending, the creation of committees, and education for the people.
    1. Obama promoted the Affordable care act during his campaign for president.
    2. Urge congress to pass the bill/help the political party
  • Affordable Care Act 2

    Affordable Care Act 2
    2.Obama promoted the Affordable care act during his campaign for president.
    3. Urge congress to pass the bill/help the political party
    4. Prices go up for everyone not on subsidies, the the insurance company now has to pay out more, so they must raise prices.
  • Don't Ask, Don't Tell part 2

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell part 2
    Answers for #2: Obama said that he would and succeeded, with trying to overturn the law so homosecuals could serve openly in the military. Answers for #3: He is the Chief Legislator. He had the power to influence congress in reopening and changing their decision on the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. Answers for #4: Consequence wise the military personnel had mixed, positive, and no impact feelings toward the ending of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell “ policy.
  • Don't Ask, Don't Tell

    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
    The “Don’t Ask, Don’t tell Policy” was a policy that banned homosexuals from talking about their sexual orientation while being in the military. Commanding officers couldn’t question other service members about their sexual orientation either. On December of 2010 the House of Representatives and the Senate voted to cancel the policy. December 22 President Barack Obama signed the bill for the cancellation of the policy, and the policy had officially ended in September 20, 2011.
  • North Korea threatens the US.

    North Korea threatens the US.
    January 24 2013 North Korea made a blunt threat that its weapons programs would “target” the United States, and that it would proceed with a third and “higher-level” nuclear test. The North stated clearly, that its nuclear program would now be aimed at the United States.
    2.Barack Obama has warned North Korea that the United States "will not hesitate to use our military might" to defend allies
    3 Be the Commander and chief
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    On April 15, 2013 there was two bombings at the finish line during the Boston Marathon. The bombings killed 3 people and injured over 264. Within the next couple of hours the suspicion began to build, due to the shooting of a campus police officer, and a hijacking of a sport-utility vehicle on the same campus. Once police found the stolen vehicle they were attacked with homemade explosive devices. Over 300 rounds were exchanged with the suspects and the police officers.
  • Boston Marathon Bombing part2

    Boston Marathon Bombing part2
    During the battle Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the suspects, was found severely wounded. The police then arrested him, but Tsarnaev’s brother, Dzhokhar, struck their vehicle struck him with a car while trying to flee. Tsarnaev was later pronounced dead, and his younger brother was on the run. Dzhokhar was later found hiding in someone's boat. They arrested him and took him into custody. They charged him with weapons of mass destruction and the bombings.
  • Boston Marathon Bombing part 3

    2- He tells everyone the they will find out who did this, why they did it, and they will get what the have coming for them. He says that the bombing was an act of terrorism. #3- At this moment in time he was a Chief Executive. He said that ran the government and told everyone what to do. He told them to find out who did this and it was a success. #4- There were positive consequences from this event because his orders were received. They found out who the crime and the guy was thrown in jail.
  • Women in Combat

    Women in Combat
    2- He wanted a change and he made it happen. He is making the county come closer to equality.3- Obama is the Commander in Chief for this event. He makes the decision of what is right.4- The consequences for this event are positive. The US if finally gaining the equality that we have wanted for years.
  • Women in Combat

    Women in Combat
    The US Military is now opening up/ allowing women to have more opportunities and different jobs within the military. By early 2016 women will be able to apply for all military specialties and all army units. Women will then be able to serve in closed units that wouldn’t normally allow women in them.
  • Minimum wage

    Minimum wage
    from 7.25to 10.10 an hour, on the same day he also signed an executive order to raise the minimum wage for new federal contractors to $10.10/hr. And lawmakers are currently working across the country to raise the minimum wage.
    2. believes that the minimum wage is to low, so he is urging congress and the states to raise the minimum wage
    3Obama is responsible for the well being of the the People
    4There could be layoffs because small business can not afford to pay everyone $10.10/hr and pricesGO^
  • Russia Threats

    Russia Threats
    Russian president, Putin is really warning us he will use nukes to protect his grab of Ukrainian territory. “I want to remind you that Russia is one of the most powerful nuclear nations” Putin said.
    2.Obama said any violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity would be "deeply destabilizing, and he warned "the United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine."
    3. commander&chief
    4 start a war
  • Obama demands intervention in Syria

    Obama demands intervention in Syria
    1. After 100 years of political unrest and war in syria a new terrorist group called ISiS started in Syria.
    2. President Obama gives speech saying he will not hesitate to take out terroist group in syria known as ISIS.
    3. The consiquences are no more fear from the American people about terrism in America.