Period: to
The International Commission for Support and Verification (CIAV) – Nicaragua (1990 – 1997)
Between 1990 and 1997, CIAV demobilized 22,500 fighters and repatriated 18,000 Nicaraguans from Honduras and Costa Rica. It distributed food, clothing and tools to approximately 120,000 people, monitored the security rights and guarantees that had been given to the former Nicaraguan Resistance combatants, administered reintegration programs, and provided medical assistance to the disabled.
More information: https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
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Special Mission in Suriname (1992 - 2000)
In July 1992, the government of the Republic of Suriname and the General Secretariat of the OAS signed an agreement establishing the Special Mission in Suriname. Its mandate was to assist the government in formalizing and safeguarding a durable peace, and in strengthening national institutions and democratic order.
More information: https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
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Haiti – The International Civilian Mission in Haiti (MICIVIH) (1993 – 2000)
The OAS has continuously supported Haiti in its efforts to achieve a full-fledged and stable democracy, and durable peace. Following the coup d’état of 1991, when the Haitian military ousted democratically elected President Aristide, a joint OAS-UN Mission - the International Civilian Mission in Haiti - was established in February 1993, at the request of the legitimate Government, to monitor the observance of human rights in Haiti. https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
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Special Program to Support Guatemala (1996-2003)
In 1996 the Organization launched the Special Program to Support Guatemala with the overarching goal of assisting the country in its path towards a consolidated democracy and peace. The program lasted 7 years and adapted itself to the dynamics of the implementation of the historic peace accords of December 1996, which put an end to 36 years of civil war.
More information: https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
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Honduras and Nicaragua (1999 - 2007)
In December 1999, at the request of the governments of Honduras and Nicaragua, the OAS Permanent Council convened a special session to address tensions that had arisen due to a maritime boundary dispute. The Permanent Council had to name a special representative to evaluate the situation, facilitate dialogue, and formulate recommendations aimed at easing tension and preventing acts that could affect peace in the hemisphere
https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
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Belize and Guatemala (2000 –Present)
The governments of Belize and Guatemala restarted talks on their longstanding territorial differendum in March, 2000 under the auspices of the OAS Peace Fund. Jointly, Belize and Guatemala appointed a Panel of Facilitators to help guide the negotiating process. More information: https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
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Special Mission for the Strengthening of Democracy in Haiti (2002-2006)
On December 17, 2001, an attempt of coup d’état triggered a deep political crisis marked by violence, electoral difficulties, serious breaches of the rule of law, and a lack of agreement among the domestic political actors. In 2002 the OAS deployed a Special Mission for the Strengthening of Democracy in Haiti, with the mandate to support the government and people of Haiti in strengthening the country’s democratic institutions
https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
Period: to
Misión de Facilitación en Venezuela
El 13 de abril de 2002 el Consejo Permanente de la OEA condenó la alteración del orden constitucional en Venezuela, los hechos de violencia que causaron la pérdida de vidas humanas, instó a la normalización de la institucionalidad democrática, y envió una misión encabezada por el Secretario General para investigar los hechos y adelantar las gestiones necesarias para restablecer el orden constitucional
https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/publications/TheOASPeaceDemocracy_andConflictResolution.pdf -
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El Salvador and Honduras (2003-2004)
In September 2002, the President of El Salvador, Francisco Flores, and the President of Honduras, Ricardo Maduro, undertook to complete the demarcation of the border between their two countries within 18 months.
More information: https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
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MAPP/OAS (2004 – present)
On January 23, 2004, the Government of Colombia and the OAS Secretary General signed an agreement to establish a Mission to Support the Peace Process in Colombia (MAPP/OAS), which included the verification and monitoring of the cease-fire and cessation of hostilities, demobilization, disarmament and reintegration initiatives, and the accompaniment to the communities victims of violence.
https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
Period: to
Mediation of the Chixoy Hydroelectric Dam case, Guatemala (2006 – Present)
The construction of the Chixoy Hydroelectric Dam in Guatemala from 1976 to 1982, in a context of a military dictatorship, violent internal conflicts and massive human rights violations in the country, had a profoundly negative impact on the communities affected by the project, creating serious tensions and confrontations between the populations settled in the area and the Guatemalan authorities.
More information: https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
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Misión de Buenos Oficios a Bolivia
En el caso de Bolivia la OEA prestó un servicio de acompañamiento al proceso electoral, instaurando una Misión Especial en apoyo a las elecciones presidenciales, legislativas y prefecturales; elecciones para una Asamblea Constituyente; y un referendo autonómico.
More information: https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/publications/TheOASPeaceDemocracy_andConflictResolution.pdf -
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International Forensic Commission Colombia (2007)
In July, 2007, the OAS established an international forensic commission to assist with the investigation into the death of eleven Colombian lawmakers from the Valle del Cauca region who had been kidnapped and imprisoned by the illegal armed group FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia).More information: https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
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Mission of Good Offices in Ecuador and Colombia (2008)
In March, 2008 when Colombian armed forces and police officers entered Ecuadorian territory to launch an attack against members of the illegally armed group FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) who were hiding in a camp located on the Ecuadorian border. As a result, diplomatic relations between both countries were broken, and the OAS had to intervene to diffuse the rising tension.
https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/VirtualLibrary/Maps.html -
Period: to
Misión de Buenos Oficios a Honduras
El 28 de junio de 2009 fue perpetrado un golpe de estado en contra del Gobierno Constitucional de Honduras, siendo el Presidente José Manuel Zelaya arbitrariamente detenido y forzado a exiliarse. El Consejo Permanente inmediatamente condenó con vehemencia lo sucedido y convocó a una sesión extraordinaria de la Asamblea General. More information: https://www.oas.org/sap/peacefund/publications/TheOASPeaceDemocracy_andConflictResolution.pdf -
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Good Offices Mission to Costa Rica and Nicaragua (2010)
Following a border issue between Costa Rica and Nicaragua over Calero Island in the San Juan River, the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States met in an emergency session on November 3, 2010 at the request of the Government of Costa Rica. More information: