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The Money Pit
Daniel McGinnis discovered ‘The Money Pit’ and began digging with few friends up to 30 feet. -
Daniel McGinnis returned with The Onslow Company and began digging again. At 90 feet an inscribed stone was found with the words "Forty feet below two million pounds are buried -
The Truro Company was the next company to try to extract the treasure but they failed. They tried to figure out what was underneath them before they attempted to extract. This idea produced some encouragement. -
The Truro returned to dig with another parallel hole only to be flooded again. While trying to pump out that water someone noticed that the water was coming out of the beach meaning that the beach was actually artificial. -
The Oak Island Association tried to tunnel to the Money Pit but was also flooded. They bailed the water out and then the bottom fell out, sending everything in the Money Pit further down. But the mystery is how and how far it was sent down. -
Fred Blair and the Oak Island Association was trying to clear out a tunnel but was flooded and abandoned. -
They managed to clear out the Money Pit down until they could see the entrance to it but it was blocked by rocks. They tried to blow up the rocks with dynamite but it backfired and the water rapidly flooded the Money Pit. -
A 2nd tunnel floor was found and Blair and The Oak Island Treasure Company continued to sink new shafts and drill more core samples but nothing. -
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Several attempts were made to extract the treasure but none of them had any success. -
Erwin Hamilton, the next treasure explorer began his search by clearing out previous shafts and working on some exploratory drilling. -
o Bob Restall and his family attacked on the island which unsurprisingly backfired. During the attack he found a rock with “1704” inscribed on it, others thought it was a joke. -
While excavating a shaft Bob passed out and fell to the bottom. His son, Bobbie attempted to rescue him along with 2 other workers. All 4 of them passed out and drowned because of the overcome of gas. Daniel Blankenship, the current searcher begun his quest. -
Blankenship and Triton, a group created by Blankenship himself, revealed many secrets from building a new cofferdam. He found the remains of the original builders’ cofferdam along with several logs. The western end of the island revealed two wooden structures, wrought-iron nails, metal straps and a pair of leather shoes. -
Triton made a major discovery of Borehole 10-X, a tube of steel along with several artificial cavities. A camera lowered to 230 feet and took some fascinating pictures which included finding the first human body. After the hole itself collapsed, it has never been reopened. -
Triton and Blankenship still continue their exploration.