Dead Sea Scrolls witten in Aramaic/Hebrew script
Date dynastic records give to invention of paper
Year that invention was officially reported to the emporer by Ts'ai Lun -
Runic inscriptions begin in northen Europe
Death of Romulus Augustulus; fall of Rome
Period: 500 to Jan 1, 1500
Middle Ages; "Dark Ages"
Jan 1, 712
Earliest work of Japanese literature, Kojiki
Jan 1, 770
Earliest well-defined block print extant, Japan
Sep 1, 1350
Wycliffe translates the Bible into English
Sep 1, 1450
Johannes Gutenberg develops printing press process, Mainz, Germany
Sep 30, 1452
Johann Guttenberg's Bible becomes first book published in volume
Jan 1, 1476
William Caxton opens London print shop
Sep 1, 1529
English king becomes the undisputed head of the Church of England under Henry VIII
Jan 1, 1560
Diego de Landa records Mayan "alphabet" in Yucatan
English settlers establish the Jamestown colony, Virginia
Puritans establish the Plymouth colony, Massachusetts
George Veseler and Broer Jonson print corrantos in Amsterdam
corrantos: English-language weekly news sheets, from Latin "current" and "put togther" -
Under Charles I England extends licensing to all printed material
Josh Milton publishes argument against censorship "Areopagitica"
Thomas Hobbes publishes "Leviathan" arguing for a commonwealth
Locke publishes the "Treatises on Government"
First ad in colonial newspaper, the Boston News-Letter
Cato's letters
Benjamin Franklin, "Father of American Advertising" purchases the Pennslyvania Gazette
Benjamin Franklin prints first ad in a magazine
First Amendment to the US Constitution ratified
Rosetta stone discovered in Egypt
P.T. Barnum regarded as "father of press agentry"
Samuel F.B. Morse develops electromagnetic telegraph
James Gordon Bennett's Herald publishes display ads
Telegraph line between D.C. and Baltimore opens
Transcontintental telegraph line replaces the Pony Express
Maxwell theorizes the existence of electromagnetic waves
Completion of first transatlantic telegraph
Edison invents electric light
Alexander Graham Bell files patent for the telephone
Alexander Graham Bell makes the first telephone call
Thomas Edison invents the phonograph
Thomas Edison invents electric lightbulb
Heinreich Hertz transmits and receives radio waves
Edison's Kinetoscope
Nikola Tesla invents Tesla coil
Guglielmo Marconi initiates experiments with wireless telegraphy
Emile Berliner’s flat disc Gramophone appeared
Using Cinematopgraphe Lumiere brothers show the first film on a large screen
Marconi takes out first wireless telegraphy patent in England
Reginald A. Fessenden broadcasts voice by radio wave
Nathan B. Stubbledfield sends first marine broadcast
First American feature film, The Great Train Robbery
Albert Lasker, "father of modern advertising" becomes partner at Lord & Thomas
Lee De Forest files patent for Audion
Upton Sinclair publishes The Jungle
Pure Food and Drug Act passes
Reginald Fessenden transmits first radio broadcast for entertainment and music
Charles Herrold begins radio broadcasting in San Jose
Wireless ship act requires most ocean-going US passenger ships to have wireless
Titanic sinks
Congress enacts Radio Act of 1912
Federal Trade Commission created
Ivy Lee hired to remake John D. Rockefeller’s image
Griffith's Birth of a Nation
Sarnoff's "Radio Music Box Memo" appears
Motion Pictures Patent Co. declared illegal
US enters World War 1; government nationalizes all radio communication and patents
Owen D Young, general counsel of GE, sets up RCA
Edward Bernays publishes Crystallizing Public Opinion
The Walt Disney Company founded
The Eveready Hour first airs
AT&T, Warner Bros. patent system for synchronizing sound for film using recorded discs
David Sarnoff founds the National Broadcasting Company
Radio Act of 1927 passes
Philo Farnsworth transmits first televison image
Period: to
Radio's Golden Age
Hays Code adopted
FDR airs first Fireside Chat
Congress establishes Federal Communications Commission, replacing Federal Radio Commission
Hindenburg disaster described over the air
"This is one of the worst catastrophes in the world... oh, the humanity." --Herbert Morrison of WLS Chicago -
Murrow broadcasts Hitler’s entry into Vienna
Orson Welles broadcasts "War of the Worlds"
RCA introduces television at the New York World’s Fair
Gone with the Wind premieres
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Roosevelt establishes the Office of War Information (OWI), the War Advertising Council, and the Office of Censorship
Radio broadcast covers D-day invasion
V-E Day
Boston University establishes first academic program in public relations
US vs. Paramount forces studios to divest their interests in theaters
Harold Burson co-founds Burson-Marsteller, today's largest PR agency
Freedom of Information Act takes effect
Rolling Stone Magazine publishes first issue
Ray Tomlinson sends first internet based email
Horace Newcomb publishes book "TV: The Most Popular Art"
MTV launches
CDs appear on the market
Apple's "1984" commercial airs during Super Bowl
Studio Ghibli founded
Microsoft launches first retail version of Windows
Got Milk? ad campaign starts
Google founded
craiglist incorporated as a for-profit organization
MySpace founded
Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King wins 11 Oscars
YouTube founded
Last episode of Arrested Development airs
Twitter founded
All full-power analog TV broadcasts end in US
Final installment in Harry Potter film seires released
Steve Jobs dies
Michele Smith becomes first female analyst for a national baseball broadcast
Last inscription written in Egyptian hieroglyphs
Cyrillic alphabet invented in Russia
Earliest printed book, China
Period: to
T'ang Dynasty in China