Nursing timeline

  • Wanted to be a doctor

    I had nobody in my family in healthcare so I wanted to be different. I wanted a career where I could help people and be fulfilling
  • Period: to

    Also worked other jobs

    I worked at Jamba Juice as a manager, at a gym, and a dog walker. I have never had only just one job because I support myself and my mom. Since being in nursing school, this is the first time I have had only one job and it has been tough.
  • Became a caregiver in my personal life

    I took care of my grandma until her passing in late 2019 and then I also currently take care of my mom and have since about 2016.
  • Started CNA program

    I had a friend who was a CNA and wanted to also jump into the medical field right after high school so I figured this would be a better route to work in a hospital.
  • started college!

    With the intent to go to med school one day, but throughout my journey I eventually decided that was not going to be the right choice for me.
  • Period: to

    Working as a CNA

    I was hired as a CNA at Palomar for home health and then float pool shortly afterwards
  • Graduated!

    Graduated school and finished all my prerequisites for nursing school.
  • Covid

    I was working as a CNA throughout the pandemic and quickly realized nursing was the better route for me. Though this was a really difficult time for the world and healthcare workers, I feel like it helped me reinforce my want to work in healthcare. I had spent so much time with patients in their last moments and taking care of them post-mortem that it made me even more of an empath. It was a really sad and terrible time.
  • Impulsively applied to private school.

    I applied to West Coast because a few friends I did prerequisites with did not want to wait on starting... I changed my mind after finding out how expensive the program was.
  • Period: to

    Frustration, not getting into nursing school.

    Spent lots of time applying to community college nursing schools during the middle of the pandemic which was basically impossible until 2022. So many ordered transcripts and excel sheets of which schools I applied to...
  • Finally got into nursing school

    After 3 long, hopeless, terrible years of waiting, I finally got into a school, UUN! Super thankful because I was looking into a career change, again.
  • Got engaged!

    My long-term partner and I got engaged and started planning for a wedding (with the impression we were not going to have anything going on in the following year) but then we got into nursing school so decided to postpone anything until after we graduate!
  • Started nursing school

  • Graduate nursing school!

  • Start as a new grad

    I have no idea which specialty yet
  • Graduate with my BSN

  • Maybe a new path in nursing?

    I am interested in higher education but I want to have a few years under my belt as an RN first. I originally expressed interest in a nurse practitioner program but I also am interested in a CRNA program too!