Nursing Timeline

  • Got my first job while in high school

    I started working at the age of 16 as a cashier at a taco shop. I worked at that job for 5 years.
  • Graduated High School

    I also started attending Palomar college in 2008, was not sure what I wanted to be. I was just taking my general classes. After a few years of going part time I decided to start working on Criminology and Justice studies degree.
  • Got a second job as a clerk

    I got a full time job in addition to my part time job as a clerk, my job was to make inventory and order food items.
  • Got hired at Palomar Medical Center

    I was hired in 2012 as a cook at Palomar Hospital, I worked as a cook/clerk for 4 years.
  • Became a home owner

    Became a home owner
    In 2014 I purchased my first house, It was a difficult decision because I moved from Escondido to Hemet CA and all my family stayed behind. I moved over 60 miles away from my family and friends, just me and my dogs.
  • Graduated from my CNA course

    Graduated from my CNA course
    2016 I decided to get my CNA license and get a job as a CNA at Palomar Medical Center. I finish my CNA course in August of 2016, then got a job as a CNA on September of 2016
  • Graduated from CSUSM/Purchased my 2nd home

    In 2017 I got my Bachelors in Criminology and Justice Studies from CSUSM. I sold my first house and I purchased my a house near Menifee, so I was a little closer to Escondido where I wanted to eventually purchased a house.
  • 2019 Undecided on what to do with my degree

    I wanted tried to join Law enforcement from 2016-2019 but that didn't workout.
  • Purchased a house in Murrieta CA

    In 2019 I sold my house from Menifee/Hemet and was able to buy a house in Murrieta CA. That was a big deal for me because I commuted to Escondido for work, now my drive was 30-35 mins instead of 1hr+.
  • Got a better paying job as a discharge planner

    2021 I transfer to CSU ( a psych unit ) from my CNA position. It was a great opportunity with better pay and new opportunities.
  • Made it back to Esco

    Made it back to Esco
    November of 2021 I was able to purchase my house in Escondido. It was a huge accomplishment for me. I Purchased my first home 2014 in Hemet CA and 2021 finally made it back home to Escondido.
  • New Family Member

    New Family Member
    2022 My first son Elias is born . It was a life changing moment, the fun starts.
  • Nursing School

    Got accepted into nursing school....
  • Started Nursing school

    Started Nursing school
    Started nursing school...
  • New addition to the family

    New addition to the family
    my 2nd son Levy is born 4-2024.
  • Finish Nursing School

    Hopefully Graduate nursing school by the end of 2025.
  • Complete BSN

    Hopefully finish my BSN by 2026..