Nursing Journey

  • Graduated High School: Loved the idea of nursing but went into business instead because I didn't think the nursing schedule would allow enough family time.

  • Didn't like having to take home projects and work in internships so I dropped out of college

  • Continued taking general education classes in college

  • Made several nurse friends and discovered I did like their schedule/availability/lifestyle. Finally decided to pursue nursing.

  • Started and graduated EMT school

  • Started working on an ambulance

  • Finished my prerequisites for nursing and was ready to apply to programs.

  • Started working in an ER to gain hospital experience

  • Continued my education online to obtain my general AA/AS

  • Started applying for nursing schools but kept getting rejections despite my experience and qualifications.

  • COVID pandemic shut down schools

  • Graduated with general AA/AS

  • Schools began to open nursing programs and lift requirements

  • Finally an answered prayer and after numerous applications I am accepted into nursing school at UUN!

  • I would like to work as a new grad for a few years in an ER.

  • I would also like to consider getting my MSN so that I may work as an instructor.