Nuremberg articlelarge

Nuremberg Trials

  • Period: to

    Yata Conference

    Rosevelt, Churchill,and Stalin state, "It is our inflexible purpose to destroy German militarism and Nazism and ... to bring all war criminals to just and swift punishment."
  • Adolf Hitler Committs Suicide

  • WWII ends in Europe

  • Robert Jackson leaves for London

    Dicuss how they are going to try Nazis
    Use American/British system where go against criminals
    Decidecriminalscan't argue that they were only following orders
  • Jackson visits Nuremberg

    Decide trials will open in Berlin to please Soviet Union and then take place in Nuremberg.
  • Hiroshima Bombing

    US drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan killing 80,000 and inhirung 140,00
    3 days later US drops a bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, killing 42,000 and injuring 40,000
  • London Charter Signed

    the International Military Tribunal (IMT) with from all countries
  • WWII Over, Japan surrenders

  • IMT Indicts 24 Nazis

    4 counts
    Agressive war, crimes agianst peace, wat crimes, and crimes against humanity
  • IMT Comes Together for the 1st Time

  • Period: to

    Offical DAte of Nuremberg Trials

    In Nuremberg, Germany
    Tribunal makes decisions- panel of two judges from Allied Powers (UK, US, USSR, France)
    The defense's main arguement was that the laws wre created after the crime, and their puishment was due to "victor's justice"
  • Defendants Enter Not Guilty Plea

  • Evidence of Buchenwald Camp

    Shows tatooed skin
    Shrunken head of killed polish used as paperweight
  • Declare Nazi Prosecution

    Great Britain, the Uniteds States, and Soviet Union state that the way that the jewish people were treated during WWII is wrong and all that participated will be prosecuted
  • Prosececute 7 Nazi Organizations

    the Nazi Party leadership
    the German High Command
    the Schutzstaffel (SS) or Protective Squadron
    Sturmabteilung (SA) or Storm Troopers
    the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) or Security Service
    the Reich Cabinet
    the Gestapo.
  • Marie Claude Vaillant-Courturier Testifies about Auschwitz

    Describes how people were selected to be gassed and experimented on
  • Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus Incriminates Other Defendents

    Incriminates Göring, Jodl, and Keitel
  • Göring Testifies

    Explains why Germany needed to expand
    Annoys Jackson in cross-examination with rambling and side comments
  • Rudolf Höss Testifies

    Talks about sending people to death
    Says he was just following orders, they were all taight not to question and do what they were told
  • Prosecutors Make Final Statements

  • Defendents Give Final Statements

  • Judges Begin Deliberation

  • IMT Gives 21 Verdicts

    3 aquitted
    6 sentenced to prison
    12 sentenced to death
  • Göring Commits Suicide

    Swallos cyanide pill
  • Hang 11 Nazi Criminals

  • US Military Government in Germany Tries 23 Nazi Doctors

    Military Tribunal I
    Sentenced August 21, 1947
    16 found guilty
    7 executed
    11 more Nuremberg trials tried by US alone
  • Millitary Tribunal II-A Sentences criminals from Einsatzgruppen Trail

    Sentences 23 criminals
    14 memmbres of mobile killing squad sentenced to death
  • Military Tribunal III-A sentences criminals from Justice Trial

    sentences 10 officals of Reich Ministry and judges of People's and Special Courts
  • Military Tribunal IV-A sentences 19 criminals from Ministries Trial

    Ministries Trial- trial about 3 Reich Ministers and other High postioned Nazis
    Appeals continue, but is main conclusion to trials
  • Works Cited