World War II begins
The German Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, take over much of Europe. -
Denmark surrenders to Germany
On April 9, 1940, Denmark surrendered to Germany, and soon Nazis occupied the country. -
Danes sink their navy in Copenhagen
The Danes sank all their navy ships in Copenhagen harbor so the German Nazi couldn't take them over. -
Annemarie is stopped by the Nazis
Annemarie and Ellen are racing home from school when they are stopped by the Nazis. -
Nazis persecute Copenhagen Jews
Annemarie has to buy a button for Kirsti's coat, but the button store is closed. She later learns that the Nazis closed the store because the owner is Jewish. -
Ellen stays with the Johanens
Since Copenhagen is no longer safe for Jews, Peter, the Johansen's friend, is taking Ellen's parents to safety while Ellen stays with the Johansens. -
The Nazis come to the Johansen home
The Nazis are looking for the Rosens and come to the Johansen home. They don't think Ellen is a Joahnsen, but Papa shows them a picture of the dead Lise Johansen as a baby and they leave the Johansens alone. -
Annemarie begins to mature
Annemarie overhears her parents talking to Uncle Hendrik on the telephone. They say things that confuse her, because even though Danish fishermen fish in any weather, her parents ask if the weather is good for fishing. She later realizes that they are speaking in code, which shows she is growing up. -
The Johansens take Ellen to Uncle Hendrik
Annemarie, Mama, and Kirsti travel with Ellen to Uncle Hendrik's home in the country, since Copenhagen is too dangerous. -
A casket is brought to Uncle Hendrik
Annemarie walks into the front room of Uncle Hendrik's house to find a mysterious casket lying on the floor. She is told that her Great-aunt Birte has died and is lying in the casket, but nobody seems sad and there is no Great-aunt Birte in her family pictures. She concludes that Great-aunt Birte is not real. -
Nazis come to Uncle Hendrik's house
There are many people gathered in the front room around the casket. Some Nazis come into the room and demand they open it, but Mama says Great-aunt Birte died of typhus. They are welcome to open the casket, she says, but the Germans leave. -
Uncle Hendrik takes people on his boat
After the Nazis leave, the casket is opened. It is full of old clothes, not a body. Uncle Hendrik gives all the people coats and begins to lead them into the woods. Annemarie learns that he is taking them on his boat to Sweden. -
Mama breaks her ankle
Annemarie falls asleep after Mama leaves to escort the Rosens through the woods. When she wakes up, Mama is not home, so she goes to look for her. Annemarie finds her with a broken ankle in the woods. -
Nazis stop Annemarie in the woods
Annemarie finds a package on the porch, and Mama tells her that it needs to get to Uncle Hendrik immediately. She takes it to him, but runs into Nazis on the way. She pretends to be a 'silly little girl' and they leave her alone, but a handkerchief is found in the bottom of her basket. She gets the basket to Uncle Hendrik before he leaves. -
The Rosens ecape to Sweden
Uncle Hendrik gets the Rosens safely to Sweden even though the Nazis investigate his boat. -
Uncle Hendrik explains
After he takes the Rosens to Sweden, Uncle Hendrik explains that doctors and scientists in Sweden invented a special drug that temporarily disables dogs' sense of smell. Fishermen put it on handkerchiefs so the Nazis wouldn't suspect anything. It kept many Jews safe. -
World War II ends
Eventually, the Allied Forces defeat the German Nazis and win the war. -
Peter dies
After the war ends, the Johansens find out that their good friend Peter died as part of the Danish Resistance. However, he was not afraid to die. -
Annemarie fixes Ellen's necklace
After the war, Annemarie takes out Ellen's Star of David necklace that she hid in Lise's old dress and asks Papa to fix it. She broke the chain when the Nazis came and Ellen couldn't undo the clasp. Annemarie will wear it herself until Ellen returns, and then give it back to her.