Who is the man who is riding past?
When Annemarie was little girl her dad would tell her a story, when the Nazi first invaded they noticed a man riding every morning. One they a Nazi asked a man "who is that man on the horse" The man answered" the King" and the Nazi asked "No body guards" the man said "all of Denmark is his body guards". -
Why are you running?
Chapter 1 start out with 3 girls having a practice racing for school and then a Nazi on the corner stops them and asked questions. And the girls were very scared -
It will be a long night
In this chapter Ellen, Annemarie Jew friend friend stay the night. She slept over because her parents wanted to keep her safe from the Nazi who were looking for the Jews. Ellen had to pretend to be named Lise to keep safe. -
part 2 chapter 5
The Nazi asked Annemarie's parents why is one of your daughters have dark brown hair and the other two blonde, and Annemarie's father showed the Nazi a picture of the real Lise's as a baby and she had dark brown hair. The Nazi were mad and ripped the picture and walked away. -
who that dark haired one?(ch 5)
The Nazi searched Annemarie's families house and wanted the Rosens. (Ellen's family) They thought Ellen and Annemarie's family were friends, so they asked if Ellen was the daughter of the Rosens. And asked what was her name she answered Lise. -
Is the weather good for fishing? (6)
This chapter is about a phone call from Annemarie's dad to her uncle. Her dad was using codes that Anniemarie didn't understand. -
A chat
Annemarie asked her uncle why he was lying to her and he said that he couldn't tell her yet but the reason why is to make sure she stayed brave. -
The funeral
People arrived to Annemarie's uncle house for the"funeral" and people Annemarie had never met before were there. Finally Ellen's parents arrived. Ellen looked so happy. They started the funeral and then the Nazi walked in. Annemarie's mom talked to them and they slapped her. She told them that Aunt Birte died of a disase and the Nazi left. Annemarie found out the coffin was actually filled with plankets and jackets. Peter gave Ellen father a important packet. -
Part 2 chapter 6
So later Annemarie's mom decided to visit her uncle who lives by the sea. There was a journey Annemarie's sister saw castle on the way, and finally they got close and Annemarie's mom showed them some pieces of her childhood on the way. finally they made it to her uncle's house. -
There has been a death
Annemarie's uncle came home and Annemarie found out that there has been a death in her family. Her name was great Aunt Birte. Annemarie didn't know a great aunt Birte. She didn't know why her uncle and mother were lying to her. -
Run Run
Annemarie's found the very important packet Peter gave to Ellen's father. She was worried. She asked her mom what is it and her mom didn't say. Her mom just said to run and give it to her uncle. So she did she run as quick as the wind. -
Be a silly little girl
Annemarie was running and was close but then Nazi stopped her. She was scared but she thought to asked like her little sister. The Nazis asked her questions and they took the packet. They opened it and there was hankercheifs. Annemarie was so confused,something so important was a hankercheif? Finally the Nazi left and Annemarie got to her uncle. -
Finally Annemarie explained what was going on the hankercheif were to keep the Nazi's dogs from finding the Jews, and the funeral was to make sure the Nazis wouldn't find out about the Jews. And Ellen went with her family to sweden to be safe. -
the war ended and ever thing went back to normal. And Annemarie found out Peter was killed because he was protecting the Jews but he said that he was happy to save as many people as he did.